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Which club to join ?


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Hi All,


After a year of planning and research we have finally bought our first Motorhome a 2004 Hobby 750FML which we are super pleased with. Everything works just fine (except the fridge on 12v but I have the thread on that and will start investigating tomorrow).


Luckily we have both retired early so we have no time constraints and we plan some long tours in the UK and Europe, we might even go to Australia and the USA once we get properly into it.


My question for you all is which club should we join ?


1. The camping and caravan club (the friendly club)

2. The Caravan and motorhome club.


I have loked at both websites so understand the benefits of both, what I am interested to hear is your personal experiences of the two clubs, look forward to your views.


many thanks

Stew and Angie



*-) *-)

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Ooooh! What a can of worms you've opened up. 8-)


My guess is you'll get polarised views on each club when you've actually done the right thing already i.e. researched the benefits of each. I'd just add to your thinking: which club has most sites in the areas you prefer? And, of course, many people are members of neither club and would never darken their doors.

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If you plan on spending a lot of time in the UK to start with why not join both and try the various aspects of each that appeal to you.


Both have their merits which differ somewhat and will or will not appeal to you upon trial and reflection.

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We belong to both not so much for the club sites but more for the CLs and CSs, the weekend rallies and temp holiday sites. I also bought the Brit Stops book this year as we go to away football matches and find the hard standing on pub car parks convenient in the winter.
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Don't forget there are also some excellent Apps for phones and tablets for locating campsites these days.

We have just finished a 4 month trip in Europe and found the following apps really useful and discovered some amazing sites that we would have normally passed by.



Stellplatz (Scandinavia)

Pro mobil mobillife (German but covers Europe)

Camper contact ( app known as Parkings)


And if you do get to Oz or NZ then wikicamps is the best app for finding free camp sites. Also check out the Australian youcamp website for camping on farms etc. www.youcamp.com




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Hi and welcome ,

If you go onto the Motorhomes Hints and Tips section you will find another thread with the same title. There have been a number of replies and I have given a reference to other threads which could be helpful.

Personally, I find there are benefits of being in both clubs and I gave detailed reasons in one of the earlier threads, most of which still apply.


Examples from this year:

had some good stays at Club sites of both clubs

stayed on CCC temporary holiday sites

saved money on ferry crossings through CAMC (Caravan Club)

saved money on European personal and van breakdown cover through CCC

saved money on UK breakdown through Mayday (CAMC)

saved money on van and house insurance through CCC

saved money at Go Outdoors through CCC


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I don't think it matters that much. People's perception of the clubs often reflects their own experiences. Many seem happy without joining a club.


I joined the Caravan Club in 1990 because I perceived it gave better caravanning advice than the CCC. When I changed from caravanning to motorhoming in 1995, I just stayed with the club. I like the sites, I like the CLs and I've never had any hassle. I'm less keen on commercial sites because I can never be sure of what I'll be getting - some are dire - but I have used them occasionally.


It's the ease of booking and not having to stump up a non-returnable deposit [applies to independents], CL/CSs, and lack of hassle that keeps me in a club; there are two good CLs in my home town which makes trips home easier [the C&CC only has one and its very basic] so we stick with the CMC.


The CMC prices keep rising although selecting sites with discounts, avoiding peak periods, and rallying with the club can keep down costs. It doesn't bother me because the cost of two of us is about the same as the cost for four of us when we took the kids with us.



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Some people are 'Club People' and must always have an association with a 'Group' where they can judge each other's vehicles and behaviour. Termed the herding instinct by some. We never had opinions on either club, or other sites who provide camping arrangements.


Our interests have always been the countryside views and surroundings and what they can offer for the passing traveller. Moving from (a) to (b) we always stopped at any site that suited our travels and simple went along with whatever their arrangements were.


Ask yourselves … what do you want … to go around judging others or site behaviour and rules or take your travels without restraint in a comfortable Motorhome that can take you anywhere.


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Im my view, it doesnt really matter which club..cmc or ccc, they are almost identical in that fees are cloee, facilities on sites similar, events organise are virtually same,


So really you pay your money and take your choice.. or as in our case, join both and chose on a daily basis which to support.


Insurances, rescue services, rallies or meets,cross channel ferry costs, very little to chose between them.



Other "clubs" such as britstops, france passion, etc enable you to get more off the beaten track, at minimal cost, but if you want basic facilities, water and waste etc then cls and cs sites provide that at minimum costs, or if you want all the bells and whistles, then commercial sites might be up your street.


Your choice




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CCC for us, we like to use the DA rallies and one can just turn up without booking in most cases and also true of their holiday sites, we rarely if ever use the Clubs main sites , We were members of the CC club but did not like the booking nonsense and the regimentation, was also members of the Motorcaravan club MCS but again to regimented for us, for instance one could not park with habitation doors facing another van ??WHY ?, each to their own of course , we have been CCC members for 28 years now and consider it the best option.
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Welcome Steve and Angie;

I would check out both in detail because they are very different as regards booking procedures, deposits,cancellation etc. I also believe that The Camping and Caravan Club have a good "Senior Citizen Discount Scheme" , but check the terms and limitations etc.

We belong to both, but I think we lean in the direction of CCC, but as others have suggested it's mostly a case of Location, Location, Location,


Alan b

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As a newcomer to motorhoming, I looked into both of these 'clubs', my conclusion was that they are both businesses intent on making as much money from their customers as possible and not at all club like..


Needless to say we joined neither.. and haven't missed them at all.

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Generally in broad agreement LesW, but I accept that they are operating in the interests of their membership, and as far as I'm aware do not pay dividends to anyone, or pay ridiculous salaries to anyone (I may be mistaken?) they also offer a range of services to members on a member only basis I believe. I'll accept their claim to be a club, and lots of people seem to swear by the social opportunities,


Alan b

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OK everybody, thank you for all your help, Internet seems to make searching easy and we are probably more 'independent' than 'hearding' have spent two days going through every internal nook and cranny cleaning and checking and 2 days cleaning the outside (huge roof and yes I am very thorough) next week we are having a major service and cam belt change at a small local specialist will post a review of that if anyone is interested (Basingstoke). And then we are off on our first adventure, really looking forward to the Motorhome life style.


thanks all


Sew and Angie *-) B-) :-D

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