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VED increase


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Blimey, whoever said tax was fair or logical? :-D It is the means by which governments raise revenue, no more, no less. They then use it to pay for things they think we all need, like the armed forces, healthcare, education, roads, railways. Some resent paying for things they think benefit others, but not themselves. However, that is the idea, a bit like insurance. We pay the premium, grumble at the cost, but hope never to need to claim. In that way we merely subsidise those who do claim. So with tax, to some extent we pay for things we hope we shan't need. Relax Rich: only death and taxes are inevitable and, given the choice, I'll settle for taxes! :-D
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Brian Kirby - 2017-10-03 7:29 PM

Relax Rich: only death and taxes are inevitable and, given the choice, I'll settle for taxes! :-D


Can't argue with that Brian and I take it you will be happy with any tax increase that Brexit may, or may not, bring as long as it is for the common good and you are alive to pay it!


At least income tax is more logical than say, national insurance, where those who need the NHS most don't pay anything regardless of income - or VED where everyone who can afford a new car can pay nowt and those who can't afford a newish car pay hundreds!!!!

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