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Thetford Automatic Holding tank Vent


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Even though I say it myself, my cassette is sweet as a rose,-(not like that disgusting YouTube refurbishment video)

The only slight leakage I have during a carry is from the AHTV. It’s the old original type, bayonet fitting with three lugs.

The plunger which is depressed to open the valve upon insertion of the casette is sticking in the down position. So I’ve stripped it down and cleaned what little residue was present and I notice on the shaft of the t-shaped plunger there are two grooves, only the bottom one of which has an o-ring. Should there be another halfway up the shaft? I’m thinking that the middle groove is hanging somewhat on the white nylon disc in the body of the unit, preventing the spring from returning the piston back up.

I know that replacement of the whole unit is possible, but I’d rather restore the function of the original and save myself some cash.

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