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spare tyre, is it worth having one?


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Our 2003 Elddis Autoquest came with a spare wheel, but no wheel brace or jack. Various people have told me that trying to get a wheel off a van is not for the faint hearted or those with a bad back (as | have). So we have decided to stick with the status quo of carrying a spare wheel, but relying on a breakdown service to change the wheel for us.

As a side note, we asked the people who did our last service to take the spare off and grease up the retaining bolts to make sure it will actually come off it's mounting in the event of a puncture.

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Thank you for all your replies. Not sure where to go with this one. It was a bit unfortunate how the lack of spare came about. When we bought the van it was a first ever van and we wanted one with a rear lounge but couldn't afford a Warwick or a Rhythm so were very pleased when we found this particular one. I can remember asking the saleman at the time whether it had a spare and he said it did but foolishly I didn't ask to see it. (in my defence there was so much to take in to ascertain we were making the right choice and it was a miserable drizzly day!) We paid a deposit and the balance was due before picking up the van. When the big day arrived we went to pick up the van and the saleman went through all the systems, controls etc and then casually dropped in oh by the way there isn't a spare wheel as such, the previous owner kept it loose in the van! But we have supplied an emergency kit instead, he did offer us the spare wheel but pointed out how hard it is to change a wheel and the dangers of an unsecured wheel in the van. We agreed with him on that point.

Unfortunately the heart ruled the head and we we completed the purchase. I suppose we could have cancelled the sale but on balance we made the right choice as we love the van, it is just right for the 2 of us but there is absolutely no where we can store a wheel inside the van (no locker is big enough) and a complete wheel would be too heavy for the bike rack, hence the compromise of just the tyre mounted on the rack. The rack has a payload of 65kg and the 2 bikes weigh about 30kg. We have got plenty of payload although not sure of the axle weights as the weighbridge we went to would only do the whole van weight (3200kg with full fuel and water tanks plus the bikes)

Had wondered about mounting a carrier on the other rear door, the bike rack is on the other but not sure how good they are and not sure if there is space.


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Boats are supplied without liferafts but it's a brave (or stupid) yachtsman who travels without one. You only need one when you need one


I wouldn't dream of not having a spare wheel on the M/H or any of our cars. Recently bought a Toyota Aygo and negotiated a spare wheel in the deal. First off they said no at which point I went to walk out. Then they managed to find one. Deal breaker to me.

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