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New leisure battery - should I charge it straight away?


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if you van hàs alarm then it will need battery. However not having charge facikity at store, battery will run down and to avoid failure it need to have charging access .

If store itself is fully alarmed and guaranteed d secure, then keep battery at home and keep it charged there, until you retreive the van .

If store is not particularly secured, then you need to fit battery, and make regular charging visits to maintain battery condition..



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michaelmorris - 2017-10-28 12:26 PM


Agaric - 2017-10-28 11:23 AM


Why not just keep the battery at home and top-up when needed, then install it when you use the van.


I want to check the 12v system actually works with the new battery and I want to install some new lighting.

If you want to get the best from it you should charge it fully for at least 24 hours, and follow that with a couple of discharge/charge cycles taking it gently down by about 25% each time, and ending with another long full charge. Then, while it is in storage, disconnect it.

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michaelmorris - 2017-10-29 2:16 AMI've just taken delivery of a new Varta leisure battery (the old one is knackered). My plan was to fit it tomorrow, but then the Van is going into storage for a month or so with no access to a mains. Should it be charged up overnight first before fitting?Thanks


Yes.  If you have a charger, give at least 24hrs charge before installation.


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