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Start preparing the Motohome now if 'Wintering' abroad?


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We have had 2 Power controller/Charger failures this week caused by the shorter days resulting in batteries being able to show just how tired they had become and straining the electrical architecture.


As the Solar day shortens and the sun drops in the sky the Solar gain will drop off dramatically so that by the end of December, a 100watt panel will be giving about 4Ah a day. Any batteries which were past it, but not allowed to show how poor they were by constant charging, begin to show how angry they are at being kept alive when they should have been recycled.

Usually taking out the mains charging next time it is used.


It is a pattern that has developed over the last few years, usually peaking by the middle of February.


The reason for the post is to suggest that any one thinking of going away in January checks things way, way before they are due to leave.


Last year we were massively busy from early December until February, as was everyone else.


Remember as well that the German, Italian, French, etc. factories close from mid December until early January but that when they returned last year the queue for stock items ran until the end of January, such was the demand after the Christmas break. I suspect the UK takes a lower priority than the home market?


Effectively the continental factories are 'unavailable' for decent spares supply from about the 17th December until the middle of January, so check the vehicle thoroughly weeks before you plan to depart that you won't need anything.


We have built up bigger stocks this year, but expect we still won't be able to cope with the demand. While current repair time is only a couple of days, expect that to also change in a week or two.



Tired Batteries are the biggest source of Habitation area electrical issues, so if you suspect the batteries are not 100% and are planning a long 'voyage' then suggest you think about replacement.

A lot cheaper and easier to replace them on a sunny day in the UK than outside the 'two arms and one leg' battery retailer in Barcelona.

Might also save you a new Charger and Alternator plus the hassle of those repairs abroad.


When a quality Bosch L5/Varta LFD90 only costs £20 for each of it's expect years life, it isn't exactly a lot of money.


We don't sell batteries, this is purely an attempt to keep my workload this Winter to a manageable level!!!




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