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Batteries will run flat in about 8 weeks on many Motorhomes, quicker than that on some, hence the advice to charge them around every 4 weeks.


If your batteries have gone flat they will have suffered life shortening ill effect so suggest you treat them with caution as they are likely to drain down even more quickly from now on and deliver less capacity?





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Hardly surprising, the starter battery is doing well if left for 3 weeks 2 months no chance.


Leisure batteries - most modern Motorhome systems draw some current when in standby could be 50 to 100ma, 100ma is 17a/h a week that would be a totaly flat battery in a month.


I would be inclined to replace all batteries and look after them better in future, perhaps fit a solar panel.


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You can get a trickle charger or solar panel to keep the batteries topped up, but I try to give my van a run every week when I'm not using it for holidays. Not just the batteries, but to give it an airing and helping prevent flat spots on types etc. Since we only shop every two weeks, we use the van for these trips (no supermarket height barriers in this part of the world).
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