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New to motorhoming


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Well here I am. Having been a caravanner for nearly 40 years I have swapped sides and purchased a new Swift Escape 674. Lovely vehicle .

Looking forward to getting out in it again so you might see me on this site again asking various questions.

Many of which may appear stupid so please be gentle when you respond.

Stupid question one

What can I do to lower the noise levels coming from behind my left ear when travelling. Please dont say get my wife to stop talking.


Regards to all



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Welcome David.


I would get your wife to talk louder. I'm sure her dulcet tones will deaden any unpleasant noise.


I assume you mean noise from the vehicle, the type you get in a caravan but don't hear when you are in the tow car. You need to identify the source of as many of these rattles because the solution will depend on the cause. At a basic level, rattles from the hob/hob glass can be fixed by using a thick tea towel or similar between the hob and lid. Pots and pans rattles can be similarly fixed. A good friend is non slip liner on a roll - try Lakeland or Wilko. Line the base of each storage locker - you can use this liner to separate pots and pans.


Check your tyre pressure as too harsh a ride is a common problem. Lots of threads on tyre pressures!


My approach with a new van is to identify as many causes as I can when the van is empty. That will determine whether they are caused by the build or by what I put in. Then I fill the motorhome with all the stuff I would carry for a trip away and get my tyre pressures right. Then I focus on what I've put in that rattles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi david

like you we changed from a caravan to mh last year you get use to the rattles and bangs

just pack everything as if it was made of glass t towels non slip matting even carpet underlay,

you will soon forget about them and get use,d to it ,the hardest thing we found was not having the car to wizz

off places ,but have found new places to visit within walking distance of towns ect,


and after our first trip to france last year(10 days) agreed it was the best move ever ,

were are you located may be able to point you to some great stopovers,



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Welcome David: I would say that most of the noise comes from a combination of road surface and tyres.

I have found that UK roads are pretty noisy and many continental roads, France and Holland in particular have been a joy to drive on. I’m sure there will be plenty who disagree

I currently run Continental, vanco tyres on our pvc


Alan b

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Welcome. - I think there will always be a noise because behind you is a large space, - lots of standard work vans have a separate cab so it will resonate a bit. It will never be as quiet as a car.


The fixtures and fittings will creak a little however on a well made van - but this shouldn't happen too much.


For us - generally the noise is of our own making - it comes down to how things are stowed, - it can become an obsession to stop things rattling, personally not overly bothered by it, but there are limits, we have driven on some poor surfaces where the noise is awful - and I think the majority of that is tyre noise, some things do need sorting out or the rattles do become grating.


Work on the things you can fix - one by one, stuff in the garage, make sure it's secure and cannot move around or vibrate, most hob lids seem to rattle, easily fixed with a tea towel underneath, - plates, if they rattle, we put some mesh between them and a blanket on top, - cups tend to rattle, got some cheap drink cardboard holders from McDonalds, if it gets dirty, no worries, glasses, we got a roll of material from Wilko, we wrap our glasses in a few pieces of it go for plastic if possible, less breakable and less inclined to rattle.


- It takes time and bit of experimentation to get to a comfortable situation, - also you get used to it.



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