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age concern, insurance.


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1Will try them direct then as I saw them on the comparison site that contacted me, They said that axa was the only company that were willing to quote me, obviously it was age as I have never have had a claim in all my life and never a problem getting quotes. Fesspark
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When I bought a van in 2010 there was a free 12 month policy with Safeguard,when I contacted them to renew they said they wouldn't provide any cover,same address nothing changed except I had aged one year!

Went with AIB Instead!!

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One thing to consider as well as age. The area in which you live also counts.

Not a Mh, but when we moved from Hertfordshire to Portsmouth post code , the car insurance went up , for the same cars.


I have found that when you get older, it does not pay to change insurance companies .

So choose a good while you can , certainly before you retire , and stick with them.

We have found Saga NOT good , even though they are supposed to be for the older persons.!



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When you use price comparison sites, remember that not all insurance companies are shown. Those with the most beneficial arrangement with the site (commission) are always shown.


I've used Saga for a number of years but you do have to challenge them from time to time to get the best quote.

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crocs - 2017-11-19 7:10 PM


When you use price comparison sites, remember that not all insurance companies are shown. Those with the most beneficial arrangement with the site (commission) are always shown.


I've used Saga for a number of years but you do have to challenge them from time to time to get the best quote.


Have you had a claim??

We had a car insured with Saga. Had an accident (not our fault) They where not helpful, at all. kept us waiting 6 hours in the cold December snow. the car was not driveable. The right hand did not know what the left was doing, kept getting different operators when ever we phoned them. Had to arrange our own accommodation and transport home (300 miles) It took 2 years to get sorted , and had to go to court to get our costs back. Will not touch them again !!



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I've heard that some insurers, possibly most, will not take new proposals from elderly drivers - the age threshold at which this happens being a variable thing for different companies, but often either 75 or 80 years of age.  The practical effect of this is to make you a capitive customer of your existing insurer as you reach this age.


If you have a claim as an elderly driver you may find your renewal premium rise substantially the following year, regardless of No Claims Bonus, protected or otherwise, because you have got noticed as a potentially higher-risk elderly driver.  If it was an expensive claim for the insurer, you may find yourself priced out of affordable insurance at that stage.


I did the honest things and declared an incident last year to my insurer, LV, when there was a clash of door mirrors with another vehicle, although unlikely to be a claim.  Two month later my renewal was due and the premium had doubled "because there was an open file" (and therefore the possibility of a claim) and they would probably keep the file open for three months.  No claim had been made.  I wrote to the Chief Executive of LV complaining about this and pointed out that if I had to switch insurers for the MH (I'm 72 and still young enough to switch) I would also switch all my other LV policies.  The guy who had stuck to his guns about doubling my premium rang me two days later to say the file had now been closed and my renewal premium would be the same as last year.


Insurance premiums are not always carved in stone and who you contact and the leverage you can bring to bear can make a difference.  Writing to a chief executive can be useful if you think you are being disadvantaged by someone lower down the pecking order and you can get the email addresses of most of them via the internet.


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PJay - 2017-11-21 12:00 AM


crocs - 2017-11-19 7:10 PM


When you use price comparison sites, remember that not all insurance companies are shown. Those with the most beneficial arrangement with the site (commission) are always shown.


I've used Saga for a number of years but you do have to challenge them from time to time to get the best quote.


Have you had a claim??

We had a car insured with Saga. Had an accident (not our fault) They where not helpful, at all. kept us waiting 6 hours in the cold December snow. the car was not driveable. The right hand did not know what the left was doing, kept getting different operators when ever we phoned them. Had to arrange our own accommodation and transport home (300 miles) It took 2 years to get sorted , and had to go to court to get our costs back. Will not touch them again !!




I have had one claim around 10 years ago and a couple of other service contacts with them. They were not exactly impressive but probably no worse than any other company and I did have to persevere with them.


Typical insurance company. Very efficient at policy purchase/renewal time but less so when they need to provide service such as a claim. However, so far I've always found the price right and I can normally deal with any service issues that arise. So, I recommend them on price only, not service.

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I shall be asking for quotes from all the companies in the m,home world, I have over many years used most of them as I believe in shopping around.I had my insurance on my m,home halved last year to what it would have been by my insurer at the time, They seem to think that a broken mirror is major accident, who ever broke mine did not stay around to pay the bill, That was 3 yrs or so ago .Fesspark
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fesspark - 2017-11-22 3:04 AMI shall be asking for quotes from all the companies in the m,home world, I have over many years used most of them as I believe in shopping around.I had my insurance on my m,home halved last year to what it would have been by my insurer at the time, They seem to think that a broken mirror is major accident, who ever broke mine did not stay around to pay the bill, That was 3 yrs or so ago .Fesspark


I find shopping around hard work and in recent attempts I haven't really trawled up anything worthwhile, so I've been sticking with what I've got, accepting modest increases year by year.  It was when the renewal premium jumped up spectacularly that I took issue and, as described above, got a result.  I think there are substantial risks in buying insurance purely on price because of the different way insurers will deal with claims and I give value to inuring with a mutual (like LV or Nationwide) rather thanan insurance company I've never heard of.


If you insure using a scheme promoted by a club, such as the CAMC (Caravan Club) scheme, because these usually incorporate a way of complaining to the club if you think the insurer (or broker) is not playing fair.


Even long established insurance companies are getting hard nosed, like Aviva, who disgracefully refused a holiday cancellation claim when my sister was told she had cancer; they reckoned she should have rung them striaght away when her GP referred her for investigation, even though he had given her no hint of any risk of cancer at the time and simply referred her for screening.


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