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Alde Antifreeze Yellow Red

Jan V

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There are risks in doing so, however, there is a relatively safe option.


If you use one of the modern G12++ or G13 spec antifreezes these mix without risks with nearly everything out there.


Comma's G40, and their GG40 respectively meet the standard G12++, and G13 specs. [sorry about the confusing branding of Comma products, the "G" in antifreeze specs is a VW notation that is very widely used in the industry]


Comma products can be obtained from many motor factors, the G40 I believe from Halfords. Both can be purchased as a concentrate or ready mixed so be aware of what you use. The concentrate needs mixing with equal quantities of deionised water; it is prudent to avoid tap waters as these can destabilise the all-important corrosion inhibitors.


Both G12++ and G13 are products with a 5 year life. The G13 being slighly more environmentally kinder but performance-wise they are very similar and suitable.


Many other brands make G12++ and some G13 products, it is finding out that is more challenging.

Alde even sell their own branded line of G13 antifreeze.


They are by specification requirements colour dyed "magenta".

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Jan V - 2017-12-06 5:35 PM


Tnx for your info;


I just got info from Alde support;

The yellow antifreeze in my Hymer is not a Alde product.

According to Alde; the yellow antifreeze is supplied by Hymer.


That's interesting - wonder if it too has a five year lifespan before needing changing.



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Asking Hymer would be one route to finding what they used at the factory, but then getting some might be another challenge. Though that route should allow us to find out the specification of the stuff allowing a compatible choice to be made.


However, if you are talking of just a minor top up, then in most cases using deionised water will do as the small amount added into what is 10 or more litres will not significantly alter the concentration. It is a compatibility safe option and here in the UK with that modest change in concentration is still very unlikely to be at risk from getting to the very low temperature levels where freezing is faced.


These products are generally performance optimised for use at a 40% product to 60 % water concentration, but for ease of mixing and to tolerate topping up with simply water, actually used at 50%/50%.


Sadly, most dealers specify two year corrosion inhibitor life products for factory filling, one can only assume as they want to see your money quickly again to change it, before you are likely to sell the M/H on? The G12++ and G13 products however, along with some of the older ones are 5 year inhibitor life products.

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  • 2 years later...
I know this is an old post, but the question about the lifespan of the Hymer yellow antifreeze remains unanswered, that I can see. My MH has the Hymer yellow and is at the 2 year mark. Alde UK Say that if the system needs topping up then their Magenta G13 is backward compatible. Has anyone ever confirmed if the Hymer antifreeze is a 2 or 5 year product. Obviously if the former, the system will need to be drained and the antifreeze replaced.
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Just heard back from Hymer that their yellow antifreeze only good for 2 years!! How misguided is that? Alde specify their antifreeze for a 5 year replacement cycle, based on the additives to prevent corrosion. If you henceforth, order a new MH with Alde, specify G13 . Man this really sucks, GBP200.00 to drain and replenish!! So many good bottles of wine for that price! Depression looms.
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This starts to get interesting. I ordered a very expensive "arctic pack" option with the Alde system. Now I discover that the factory optioned choice has severely compromised the service life of the system by delivering a 3rd party sub optimal "old school" additive, guaranteed to shorten the life of the heating system.
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