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Insurance for young folk


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The insurers attitude to PSV licence holders is not as inconsistent as you suggest. Anyone with a PSV licence is going to drive much more carefully because bad driving is now a genuine 'jobs worth'.


Indeed anyone who drives professionally will lose their job if they lose their licence, and a PSV licence, as I'm sure you are aware, is a much easier one to lose!


And is the new photo a more updated one of yourself?


Mel E


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Mel E ,


Yes all taken on board will digest you are of course right again just a shame for the youngsters that are sensible drivers . Of course Mel that does not explain why I pay more than all you guy's maybe it's because I,m only 21 again ?


As for the piccy I wished I had her money . that would be nice A ;-)

No fed up of watching things go downhill on here last night so signed off as Ripley on the Nustromo on the Chatterbox section

Oh mother help me... :-(

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I'm going to type this slowly because judging by your intolerance of people,you obviously cant read very fast.


When I first read your last post, I had a wonderfully funny response to it, but then I changed my mind.


Up to now, I've put up with your snide remarks, your inability to engage in debate without twisting peoples word etc etc.Not just mine, but in many other posts, and to many other people.

However, you are now starting to get a little too personal with your remarks, let me quote you " vindictive little idiot. moron. thicko. no intellegance. looking stupid " do I need to carry on ?. My father (if he were still alive) wouldn't get away with speaking to me like that, so what the hell gives you the right to think that you can.


There may be many people on this forum who disagree with some things I say, but I have had the human decency to refrain from personal insults, such as the ones I have endured from you.


So be forewarned Mr wilkinson, one more and I will take whatever steps are neccessary with the moderators or owners of this site to get you and your nasty, snidy ego removed and banned. There is a place for debate in life, however, you seem to be unable to grasp the true concept.






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Guest Frank Wilkinson
euroanchor - 2007-01-16 3:46 PM Frank. I'm going to type this slowly because judging by your intolerance of people,you obviously cant read very fast. When I first read your last post, I had a wonderfully funny response to it, but then I changed my mind. Up to now, I've put up with your snide remarks, your inability to engage in debate without twisting peoples word etc etc.Not just mine, but in many other posts, and to many other people. However, you are now starting to get a little too personal with your remarks, let me quote you " vindictive little idiot. moron. thicko. no intellegance. looking stupid " do I need to carry on ?. My father (if he were still alive) wouldn't get away with speaking to me like that, so what the hell gives you the right to think that you can. There may be many people on this forum who disagree with some things I say, but I have had the human decency to refrain from personal insults, such as the ones I have endured from you. So be forewarned Mr wilkinson, one more and I will take whatever steps are neccessary with the moderators or owners of this site to get you and your nasty, snidy ego removed and banned. There is a place for debate in life, however, you seem to be unable to grasp the true concept.

Can I remind you who started this, with your totally nonsensical post replying to my information about the true nature of the age discrimination legislation.

Your trouble is I'm sorry to say, that you're not too bright and that you paint yourself into a corner and cannot reason your way out, so again, so start the old nonsense about how your words were twisted.

I'd just love the moderator to look at your silly and insulting reponse to my post, which is what started this argument.

You haven't the guts to admit that, because of the earlier spat, where you were completely wrong, that you don't like me and you take every opportunity to have a go. Well, you picked the wrong man. I don't knuckle under to people like you.

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Just to satisfy my own (not too intellegent) sense of well being, I have copied and pasted your statements and also my responses to them.


If you would care to read them and point out where I was antagonistic, or where I accused you of twisting your words, I would be very grateful. As I am so stupid, I am unable to find the references myself.


Take a good look at yourself frank, I dont need to "pick on you" as you put it.


YOU SAID....In my opinion this is absolutely right. It is a well known fact that young male drivers are responsible for a disproportionately high percentage of accidents and it would be grossly unfair for the older and wiser ones amongst us to have to pay for their inexperience, which is what would happen if premiums were 'averaged out' without taking into account sensible actuarial experience.


I SAID....With all due respect Frank, the average young boy racer you are refering to, is hardly the same as a young lad wishing to go touring in a camper, is it ?


YOU SAID....Not all of this of course is due to recklessness but it is commonsense that younger drivers are, by definition, much less experienced, which in itself can contribute to accidents.


I SAID.....So you think a 21 year old with 4 years driving on the road has less experience than a 45 year old who has been driving for 6 months.


How is anything I've said, merited the personal onslaught I've had to endure from you.


It doesn't take a genius to work out that people are sick of the bickering going on on this forum, me included, but suprise suprise frank, nearly all the threads that end up like it involve you.



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Guest Frank Wilkinson

You're starting to get on my wick even more than usual so I'll just cite one example of your stupid remarks.

I said:

It is a well known fact that young male drivers are responsible for a disproportionately high percentage of accidents and it would be grossly unfair for the older and wiser ones amongst us to have to pay for their inexperience, which is what would happen if premiums were 'averaged out' without taking into account sensible actuarial experience.

I also said:

Not all of this of course is due to recklessness but it is commonsense that younger drivers are, by definition, much less experienced, which in itself can contribute to accidents.

You replied:

So you think a 21 year old with 4 years driving on the road has less experience than a 45 year old who has been driving for 6 months.

Why did you accuse me of thinking such a thing? It is obvious to anyone that I was talking about young drivers in general where every shred of evidence points out that they have far more accidents than older drivers. Where did I ever mention anything about older drivers with only a few months' experience? Why even bring up such a statement of the bleeding obvious?

It is surely obvious that all young drivers are less experienced, simply because they haven't been driving long. But how many 45 year olds are there who've only been driving six months? And as I said, they'd pay a premium anyway because they have no experience and no no claims bonus.

You seem incapable of understanding the silliness of bringing in such an argument, which has nothing to do with the general point of the debate.

Your comments are similar to those who say that smoking doesn't cause cancer because their granny lived to be 90. Well of course there's the exception to the rule, but I and others here were talking about young drivers in general terms, not about an odd one with four years compared to an odd 45 year old with six months.

As I said, you just seem to want to have a go at me for some reason - I can think of no other excuse for you stating something like this.

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Frank and Euroanchor,


Just exactly why have you both hijacked this thread to have an argument that is of no interest to anyone else. If you really want to get nasty with each other, please do it with PMs.


If, on the other hand, you want to appear to other forum users as self-opinionated, unable to read posts properly before you respond, unable to accept that someone else might have a valid point, view or information, and lacking in some of what I, at least, regard as basic manners, then please continue as you are and the rest of us will transfer useful threads into a new thread leaving the pair of you to get on with it.


Before you respond instantly to this post, just take the time to read what you have both written so far on this thread, then take time, if you want to respond, to do so with a reasoned set of non-insulting words.


Then don't bother as I suspect the rest of us are increasingly skipping past any post with either of your names at the top!


Sorry, but it had to be said.



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Mel ,

For what my opinion count's for I make you right.

However on here someone should set up a take it else where thread and those that wish to read traded word's can do so . We should not sensor a good debate /Argument . I agree though and I am big enough and old enough to know I have done it in the past for which I truely apologise.

Again however if someone feels they are being attacked ground down insulted taken the wrong way twisted & turned upside down with this quote that quote they do have the right to stand up for themselves.


Just not on here , agreed. I,m sure what you have said has been taken on board by all .. let's hope we have not put the youngman off from joining what is a very informative site with good friendly banter most of the time.

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Hello Michelle,

Hear Hear.

I hope a moderator takes note so that in the future with a thread going so wrong and off track it can be moved to another forum to let the participants continue. As long as the debate continues to abide by the acceptability rules then no further censorship should be acceptable. I have to admit that I would still follow the debates through, although not being an argumentative person, probably not get involved.


However, I do feel embarrassed for young Tom. Although I cannot help with advice (many others have made helpful posts for him) - but I expect he has long ago high tailed it to another Motorhome Forum.

Best Wishes to all, sax

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Hello again,

thank you all for the helpful and not so helpful posts.

I thought I'd let you know my situation at present.


I have now rethought my plans and am searching for a 'classic' camper such as a VW. The insurance hunt has been hugely exasperating but some companies have informed me that thay would insure me on something rather old.

Having investigated this avenue, I am now receiving quotes for annual European insurance around £1000: considerably better than the £3000 figures I was hearing from the few companies that would even give me the time of day on the phone, but still rather more than I would like to pay.

Also frustrating is the fact that I am now being forced to search for campers that I was intentionally avoiding due to their lack of reliability and my somewhat limited knowledge of mechanics.


I will look into the advanced driving course that has been suggested and keep you informed of my progress.

Thanks again, Tom

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Hello Tom,


Have you thought about trying to get insurance through the Volkswagen Owners Club (VWOC). It is several years since I was a member but I seem to remember that the VW Camper Vans, often run by younger drivers, were insured through an Insurance Broker who specialised in VW's.


The VWOC would also be an excellent source of VW information and spares etc., for any of the Vans from Splitties right through to the latest T5. There may be a VWOC owners club close to where you live. Take a look at the VWOC website.





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