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Portugal aires/wildcamps


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We are off to Portugal in April, I have been before and we are happy to use "Aires" or wildcamp. We haven't been for a couple of years and I have read a couple of reports saying that there has been a "tightening up" along the coast as regards casual or wildcamping. Have all the wildcamps gone? :-( Or is it just the places that were heavily congested.



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Several of the Wild camping sites are now a no no, police move folks on, many have become pay Aires which is no bad thing as  cheaper than camp sites and less regimentation ,giving more freedom, still a lot 0f wild places to be had but there are many more vans out there now partly because a lot of French are scared to go to Morocco now so head for Spain and Portugal, suggest you have a look at the [wildcampingfor motorhomes.com]  forums as you will get more info from there as folks on this site appear to be camp site users more than wilders, just my opinion.
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Thanks "Vindiboy", I will have a look at Wildcamping for Motorhomes, from what you say it seems a lot of our old haunts could still be available, I will have to go there and find out! I don't mind paying for a proper Aire and in fact prefer to do this, however, many of the nice quiet places we remember don't ( or didn't) have Aires. We don't use campsites much.



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We spent six weeks in N and Central Portugal, during September/October, mostly on Aires.  We didn't find the campsites all that satisfactory and once we discovered there were laundry facilities at Intermache supermarkets we stopped using campsites altogether. 


We didn't really wild camp apart from one night parked on the riverside beach at Constancia, where there were no objections to this (and one or two other MHs did it) perhaps because the nearby riverside campsite was closed. The Aires we used were mostly free as far as I recall and some were in very nice locations.


We did go to one not-free Aire which was in a beachside location on the coast, small parking slots and a cheek-by-jowl existance, packed with mostly cheaper-endut no one did, suggesting that you would get moved on.  It was a pretty ramshackle-looking sort of place and we saw one other, similar - again not our cup of tea.


Portugal was very enjoyable and inexpensive so we'll be going again - staying away from the coast and probably from campsites.


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