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Just had test and found out that on DVLA eyesight page, visual acuity VA should be 6/12 in each eye! Most opticians do not give the VA measures, you have to ask! According to surgeon if you above 6/12, say 6/13. 6/15 etc, treatment MUST be sought. Otherwise your licence compromised, fined, and invalid insurance. Quite a shock as most people would not know their VA measures. Luckily we found out and are taking measures. IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE IN CASES OF LAW? Beware!
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Just to add to Sandalwood's comments on eyesight, a VA of 6/12 is the fifth line down from the top of the chart ( Snellen chart ). But for "Normal" driving, ( excluding lorries, buses and taxis) i think it's correct to say that it only has to be achieved in just one eye with a field vision of 140 degrees.



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The visual standard for an ordinary (car) licence is that you can read a number plate at 20 metres and you have a visual acity of at least Snellen 6/12 with both eyes open or in the only eye if monocular.

This does NOT mean that each eye tested separately has to be at least 6/12.  It does mean you can wear glasses (of any strength) if necessary to achieve this.  It also means you only need to have vision in one eye.

The standards for HGV drivers are higher and these kick in for drivers of motorhomes over 3500 kg at age 70 and above.  These require a visual acuity of at least Snellen 6/7.5 in the better eye and Snellen 6/60 in the poorer eye.  If glasses are worn to meet these standards, they should have a corrective power not exceeding +8 dioptres in any meridian of either lens.  This means you cannot pass the HGV visual standard if you only have vision in one eye.

This is taken from the DVLA's guidance for medical professionals at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/670819/assessing-fitness-to-drive-a-guide-for-medical-professionals.pdf
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