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Rimor and Arsilicii control box / charger


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Hello All and thanks for letting me in the forum :)


I am Yasen and I am proud owner of 1997 Rimor Superbrig on Mercedes Sprinter.


I got it in very bad shape in terms of electrics.


I fixed almost all issues but two.


1. Whenever i connect it to 220, display does not show that it is connected and it does not charge the batteries.

2. There is major different in voltage before and after the AL310 "prototype" box - batteries read at 13.2 volts and if I read it from the display it shows even lower than 12 when it is under load.


My device is the so called prototype described here:


http://www.arsilicii.net/arsilicii.com/public/Documents/AS00015_GB.pdf - not the new 310 or 320

---> Figure 1 "Prototype version of Mod. AL 310X power supply unit"


Anyone who had same problems?







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Welcome to the forum.


The issue we most find is one of poor or burnt connections.

The Arsilicii AL310X, and ealier AL310DF, is only designed to support a single 100AH battery that is in perfect condition.

If the battery bank is expanded, or the battery allowed to get passed it's best, the extra charging current going into the AL 310 through the Starter battery plug and then out through the habitation battery plug, overloads the circuit.


You will see examples of the burnt sockets on the "Add a second battery?" webpage here : http://www.aandncaravanservices.co.uk/add-a-second-battery.php


The overheating damages the soldered connection where the sockets fit to the Front PCB.



Try removing each plug one by one and checking carefully that both the plugs and sockets are perfect.


If they are all good, then the issue may be related to a LCD display problem?


The mains charger inside the AL310 seems to have been overloaded, probably by the same battery issue?


With the age of the unit it probably isn't cost effective to be repaired with it having dual problems. The best option is to probably go for the later more powerful AL320RC Charger/Controller which has a 20amp charger as opposed to the old AL310's 10amp charger.

The AL320 also has uprated front connectors, more info on the webpage mentioned above.





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Hello :)


Yes indeed it is a very bizzare system, but very reliable as they state :D :D :D


I fixed the communication problems, in the very beginning there was a problem with all NSA devices in the celining. If they were connected the system did not work correctly (does not read water levels or battery charge). So i started removing them and making the lights to work with the local switches. After removing all NSA form the lights, the LCD started working and displays the amp usage, water levels on all tanks, voltage on battery aux and starter, shows temperature from the sensors, controls the water pump. Actually I left my camper only with one NSA device for the water levels and pump.


I checked all the connecitons and they seems fine, no burned out once. I guess this is because, there is an extra link between the alternator and the aux battery via an relay that offloads the Arsilicii device from the big amps comming from the enigne part.


The issue I have now is only with the lower voltage comming after the block especially on load. And not working on 220V.


From what i see I can rpelace this with new AL320 but what would be the price?




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Yasen - 2018-01-30 8:33 AM


Hello :)


Yes indeed it is a very bizzare system, but very reliable as they state :D :D :D


I fixed the communication problems, in the very beginning there was a problem with all NSA devices in the celining. If they were connected the system did not work correctly (does not read water levels or battery charge). So i started removing them and making the lights to work with the local switches. After removing all NSA form the lights, the LCD started working and displays the amp usage, water levels on all tanks, voltage on battery aux and starter, shows temperature from the sensors, controls the water pump. Actually I left my camper only with one NSA device for the water levels and pump.


I checked all the connecitons and they seems fine, no burned out once. I guess this is because, there is an extra link between the alternator and the aux battery via an relay that offloads the Arsilicii device from the big amps comming from the enigne part.


The issue I have now is only with the lower voltage comming after the block especially on load. And not working on 220V.


From what i see I can rpelace this with new AL320 but what would be the price?






I wouldn't say a bizarre system as it works like the canbus system on a modern car, very sophisticated, but few understand them and even less able to fix them.

I am not sure what you are saying about the "communication problems and all the 'NSA devices'?


All the Ceiling and high level devices (including the display) are powered from an intelligent remote power controller called a Power Hub.

There is a second Power Hub that controls the ground floor items, like Fridge, Cooker ignition, heating, etc

The Ceiling Power hub is marked as Cielo and the Ground floor one Terra.

There is a third Power Controller, the NSA 1.0, that controls the Water side.


You seem to be saying that rather than fix the problem with the Cielo Power hub you wired all the devices direct using local switches rather than the LCD display to operate the devices? Is that correct?


In fact you comment, "Actually I left my camper only with one NSA device for the water levels and pump",








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My system 1997 does not have the powehub. It has power block (AL 310 - prototype), LCD display (that controls the system), and NSA1.10 devices all around.


When I was torubleshooting the problem with no readings on LCD panel I got intouch with Simone from Arsilicii, he was very helpfull and the outcome of our torubleshooting was that there must be some issue with the celining NSA1.10 or cabling (altought i checked all cables for shorts). This is something i confirmed myself, if I disconnect the canbus and power cables for the celing section, LCD starts to read the voltage and water levels - so it communictaes with power block and NSA1.10 on ground.

But for some reason it cannot communicate with the celing NSA1.10 devices, so my only solution was to remove them and make the links work via the local switches. Which to be honest is not big big drama, since the only feature i lost was to shutdown all lights from the LCD, which is not a big loss :)


So I have 4-5 NSA1.10 working devices I can trade :)




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