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Quick Question Quick respones


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We have one of those starter batteries and think it is the best thing since sliced cheese!  I don't know why ours is different to the ones some of you have used, but we had to use it 4 times this weekend as the van battery has developed a fault and gone completely dead (not even trying to crank the engine).  Admittedly we only have a two litre petrol engine, so this may be the difference, but I do know you have to spend more to get a powerful enough unit.  As with previous occurences, the battery started the van immediately, and at least 4 times on one charge.

As to using them to run laptops etc, they will only last a couple of hours, engineered for power not longevity (excuse my ignorance of the technical bits!).  Ours is an "NVP" 400 amp and cost around £40 when we bought it a year ago.

I carry mine in the van at all times.  It is fantastic.

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fred grant - 2007-01-15 7:22 PM


hes no one heard of a crank andle? i uses one to start the tracter every day. No problem, summer or winter. weell maybe a bit of eezy start now and egain.




keep takin the pills - just make sure theys the wright ones.......


You need a JD, no messing with crank handles, just pull it over on the flywheel :-D

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