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Refillable gas bottles


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I have used two of these for several years now. The main advantage for me is being able to see the amount of gas left. When one is nearly empty I change over to the full one, I have one propane pigtail (the hand tighten type), and start looking for a petrol station selling LPG to refil. Personally I have not been refused at any garage forecourt. However, I do get ready to fill so I am not messing about uncoupling etc when I get to the filling station. I stop, open gas locker, connect and start filling (once the forecourt operator turns on the pump). while in France the other month I connected up and for some unknown reason I hit the kill/alarm switch rather than the fill switch. This meant the attendant had to come out and reset the pump. They had full view of my set up etc, and seemed not to care, resetting the pump and muttering something about the English, before going back inside the station. Reading the Safefill site it looks like there is movement on acceptance of refillable bottles http://www.safefill.co.uk/pdf/petrol-heads-up-2017.pdf although the “red guide” mentioned appears not to have been updated as yet (not the copy I was able to download).
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