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CC does it Again!!

Mel E

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No we haven't tried the CCC/MCC rallies as we're not members and as they are only on in certain places at certain times the likelihood of us being able to be there when they are is very remote unfortunately.


One thing I don't agree with regarding using the CC site overnight areas is that they will prevent the people they are meant to be for from using them as some are not very big - namely those who for some reason cannot get there whilst the site is 'open' and have no choice but to use the temporary overnight area, if we all go and use them they there won't be any space for the people who they are meant for. I certainly wouldn't be very happy to arrive at a CC site after it had 'closed' (and which I'd booked in for) to find that I couldn't park for the night at all as some other motorhomers were clogging up the overnight area - what would I do then? The theory is great but the practice would be a nightmare I think.




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To return to the original topic of this thread,


I have now had an extensive conversation with a very nice lady from the Caravan Club who told me:


- they had lobbied hard to retain the 3500+750 B Licence option, and are aware that its removal will disadvantage motorhome users


- the EU are anxious to enhance vehicle safety and that is the reason behind the changes. I pointed out that there can be little doubt that motorhomes are amongst the safest vehicles on the road, but that doesn't apparently play well in Brussels, where they don't do exceptions very well


- they are now lobbying the UK government to introduce the new rules with training rather than a test, and training that can be done by volunteer club members rather than (expensive) drving instructors.


But she had no explanation as to why this lobbying of the EU since 2003 when the statutory consultation process started had so little contact with members. There has been nothing in the CC Magazine and she did not deny that there had been no formal consultation with CC members. In other words, the CC paid experts know best!


Really, like any other organisation, the CC should consult with members via both their magazine and local clubs.

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Mel E - 2007-01-19 6:00 PM


To return to the original topic of this thread,


I have now had an extensive conversation with a very nice lady from the Caravan Club who told me:


- they had lobbied hard to retain the 3500+750 B Licence option, and are aware that its removal will disadvantage motorhome users




From memory, this was covered in the magazine, much as the nice lady said, in the minutes of the AGM reported in the Oct 2005 issue. That was the only time I every saw it mentioned. I remember it because it prompted me to write to the club about the lack of coverage of the harmonisation of EU traffic laws. This harmonisation also covers trailers and with it A-Frames! Do we see any reports about this from the club? I still haven't seen anything but then I still haven't opened the last two months magazines!



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Guest Frank Wilkinson
twooks - 2007-01-19 5:51 PM

perhaps CC shouldn't close their sites so early, *-)

Surely closing the site at a reasonable hour is also about security for those already on it? Wardens already work long hours and I don't think that I would want them dashing in and out at all hours of night to raise the barrier for me, especially as they usually provide a place for me to park overnight if I can't arrive at a sensible time.

I would also ask how you would feel if you'd just put the children to bed, or gone to bed youself even, and an outfit arrived next door at 11.00 pm and started reversing into the next spot and clattering about. I'm sure that these closure rules are there for a very good reason and not just because site operators want to be capricious.

I do feel that we should all try to look at things from other people's point of view as well as our own.

Finally, don't most commercial sites also close at similar times? This isn't a rhetorical question as I never stay on commercial sites in the U.K.

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peedee - 2007-01-19 8:27 PM


From memory, this was covered in the magazine, much as the nice lady said, in the minutes of the AGM reported in the Oct 2005 issue.




Sorry just checked my letter and it was Oct 2004 not 2005.



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Actually the nice lady didn't say it had been in the magazine - she apologised for it not being included.


I have to say that you have my admiration for reading the AGM Minutes and I really do not regard mention in these as representing any real consultation with members!


As to harmonisation of EU traffic laws, that is a different issue, though important, and I am not aware of any current statutory consultations on trailer law - are you? This specific change arises under the driver licencing directive.


One problem that the 'nice lady' was aware of was that the 3500 MAM limit for B licence drivers was becoming increasingly difficult as increasing EU regulations are making both the base unit and the conversion heavier with the addition of more structure and safety features such as safety belts - which require heavy frame members in coach built vehicles.

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Guest starspirit



The CCC has a separate A4 magazine each month for all of it's meets and there are usually dozens each weekend and probably twenty plus ongoing temporary holiday sites throughout the summer as the mag has about 20 pages.


The MCC has usually about 4 or five A4 pages of similar meets and if you email the clubs they may well send you a specimen copy to have alook FOC.


No advance booking is one hell of an attraction for us and worth the yearly subs alone because quite frankly the rest of their mags are not up to much.


The CCC club sites, if you like big sites, are nearly on a par with CC sites for facilities but cost less usually as well as having a 20% discount off many fees for over 55's and electric is usually NOT compulsory - but there are less of them than CC club sites.


Similarly the CCC sites book lists their CS's (like CL's but again less of them) as well as listing some approveed commercial sites in popular areas.


The CCC carefree travel service is pretty good too as is RAC Arrival which is only via the CCC.


I should ask them for commision?

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Mel E - 2007-01-20 12:43 PM




Actually the nice lady didn't say it had been in the magazine - she apologised for it not being included.


I have to say that you have my admiration for reading the AGM Minutes and I really do not regard mention in these as representing any real consultation with members!


Which was why I pointed out it had been, albeit in the minutes of the AGM and I agree with you it is not the best place to convey information or consult with members which was why I wote to them.


As to harmonisation of EU traffic laws, that is a different issue, though important, and I am not aware of any current statutory consultations on trailer law - are you? This specific change arises under the driver licencing directive.



Sorry Mel I probably used the wrong description. The Driving Licence Directive is but one of the Traffic laws/Motoring/vehicle/ rules/regulations, call it what you like that the EU wishes to harmonise. It is a stated goal to harmonise these and although I have searched the web for specific directives on A-Frames it is clear from snippets I have found that consultation on the regulations/laws regarding trailers is being/has been discussed and some directives have been made and no doubt more will follow.



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Frank Wilkinson - 2007-01-19 8:28 PM
twooks - 2007-01-19 5:51 PM

perhaps CC shouldn't close their sites so early, *-)

Surely closing the site at a reasonable hour is also about security for those already on it? .......

...... especially as they usually provide a place for me to park overnight if I can't arrive at a sensible time.

.... .. .. ..arrived next door at 11.00 pm and started reversing into the next spot and clattering about. . .. and not just because site operators want to be capricious.

.. .. .. ..

This isn't a rhetorical question as I never stay on commercial sites in the U.K.

Dunno Frank - it was a genuine question, but

from memory CC sites seemed to close a lot earlier than others,

I wasn't thinking about 11.00 - but it in lighter summer nights there should be flexibility for later opening - and my experience of CC is that 'flexible' ain't in their dictionary. 

also from memory - but,   don't you have to pay full price to stay on overnighting area even though you are not guaranteed to have access to facilities?

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Gate closure is usually 'dusk' and is to avoid vehicles traversing the site in the dark for safety reasons, so in fact they do vary the closing time during the lighter evenings. If you arrive back after dark then you accept that you park in the overnight arrivals area.

From experience no you don't pay full price only nominal charge for using the late arrivals area, if at all. The problem for the motorhomer is that where you can easily park your car in the late arrivals area after a day out and walk to your caravan, you have your caravan with you. However I preffer that there is no traffic moving on site after dark personally and have never had to use the ONA area other than having arrived late on the first night.



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Having just picked up this thread, I'm somewhat mystified by this so called 'closure' after a certain time on CC sites.

I've generally not had a problem when returning late, as normally whilst ages are 'closed' they are not locked , and very often the access is by coded entrance anyway- unlike C&CC sites which we found literally lock you in (or out!) after a certain time, which to my way of thinking is a dangerous practice...

It may vary from site to site, and one exception, understandly perhaps, is Abbey Wood, where the main gates are/were locked at 10pm, and access is by foot only after that, but there is no problem, to us at least, as we always use public trasnport from there anyway.

I would always however take the precaution of checking with the wardens, and as a matter of courtesy mentioning if I expected to be coming back 'late' (say after 10-11pm).

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Hi Twooks

you could well be correct...the original topic seems to have been about driving licence regulations....!!!!

If we are now talking about dates of closure, then yes, I agree wholeheartedly. Apart from the few regular ones which are 'all year' or some longish season, there's a total dearth of CC sites after October There are many motohomers (and probably tuggers) who would value staying on a quality CC site out of season as long as the weathers Ok for travelling, and motorhomers are pretty hardy folks, in my experience!

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Keith T,


Abbey Wood and Tewkesbury are but two of those where gates are locked at duskand you have to leave your vehicle in either the car park or the overnight arrivals area. Yes you are also correct that the vast majority are entered by code or keycard, but some of those ask you not to traverse the site after dark, Bladon Chains at Oxford being one, it can be read on one of the numerous notices some suggest you should ignore.

As you rightly say you only have to ask the wardens and they will go out of their way to assist you and advise as normal.




You may well be right there has been so much said on here, if that was what is baing talked about then I do not see what the problem is anyway you just park on late arrivals and book in in the morning, so I don't understand what is there to be discussed about that?




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