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insurance before registration


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we,re collecting a new motorhome from germany and want to travel around europe a bit before returning to GB to register.The problem is we,re traveling on trade plates provided by Palmowski which only gives 3rd party insurance and we can,t risk having the vehicle stolen. Does anyone know of any short term cover (without GB registration) so that we can have a weeks holiday before returning home?
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Guest Derek Uzzell
See "Personal Imports" letter on page 8 of December 2004 MMM. This says that the Caravan Club can offer 30 days of (comprehensive?) cover while the vehicle is on a chassis (rather than registration) number. I may be buying abroad myself, so I'd be interested in any feedback you can provide on the insurance issue.
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The letter Derek refers to was a response (from David Ross) to an item in MMM from myself. David told me that he had comprehensive cover from Caravan Club's brokers whilst on the continent in a new Motorhome from Germany. My own information (from the Motor Insurers' Bureau, the trade organisation)is that, tho' UK insurers can cover you comprehensively if they wish, they cannot legally provide you with the Third Party element for a foreign registered vehicle. This is because no UK insurer has the bonding in place in the continental countries to offer Third Party cover there. This bonding is similar to that in the UK and, amongst other things, pays for claims against uninsured drivers. So my serious advice is to check very carefully that you are fully covered. Also, note that the vehicle may not be rigistered as 'new' in the UK if you delay importing it. According to the rules, it must be registered within 2 weeks of purchase, otherwise the registration document will show' Previously Registered Overseas'.
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Thanks Derek and Mel E for your imput but I,ve tried "The Club" today and was told that they only insure for one year periods and as we,ve already aranged cover for the year once back in the UK it looks like no hols this time for us.It seems there is a gap in the insurance market there but I,m sure they have thier reasons.By the way Derek,If you buy abroad give Julien at Palmowki a call (They,re in MMM )It,s a doddle and you save thousands of pounds.I had to go over because I,m a motorhome novice,but it was an enjoyable experience so good luck!
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hi derek just got back from germany with mobilvetta icaro p7. the whole exprience went like a dream! spent 2 nights in vehicle and we are thrilled with it. What make are you after and where are you thinking of going to buy? Anything you want to know about the ins and outs of the trip?
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  • 1 year later...
hi Martin, and anybody else that may help my cause. I am about to collect a new motorhome from Belgium and thought that my insurance had been sorted out two weeks ago by the caravan club ins', not true they have just been messing me about. Can you tell me how you got around the problem of insurance from collection untill landing back in the UK. I have the certificate of conformaty, chassis number and all the relevant registration documents ready for this country. the only stumbling point is the insurance for the first week until I get it back to Dover My motorhome dealer's broker has quoted 255 euros for one week full comp' ins' which is silly. I need to stay for a week (hols with friends who are taking us to pick it up) and to make sure all is ok, it is along way to go back for little things to be done also extras to be fitted where and how we want them Regards McLouis
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See my reply to your other post on this subject. Frankly 255 Euros is chicken feed for peace of mind. Go for it. You're still saving oodles of dosh. I repeat what I said above, in the other posting and in MMM. No UK insurer can legally provide Third Party cover for vehciles registered in another country. You must therefore have local Third Party cover. Since you cannot buy UK comprehensive insurance without it containing the Third Party element, all UK insurance companies also refuse Comp insurance. Note that all motorhome insurance is conducted through brokers. You may find a broker who will cover you but the advice I have been given is that the underwiter will renege if you make a claim and you will then have to rely on the broker's professional indemnity insurance. So spend the 255 Euros.
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