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end caps, various


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Does anyone know of a source of end caps for external trims and extrusions? My elderly motorhome has lost odd bits so spoils the appearance. olearymotorhomes.co.uk has a good selection, but their minimum p&p is £9.99 for a letter weight Jiffy bag!
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Guest pelmetman

£9.99 is peanuts ;-) .......


What does your missus spend on looking presentable?........


Besides how old is you elderly motorhome? ;-) ........



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If a tenner sorts your problem you will have got away very lightly!


Many years ago I made an end cap for an elderly coachbuilt rubbing strake out of a hardwood offcut and painted black and stuck in place it looked OK!


I originally intended to use the wooden thingy to make a mould and cast one out of plastic padding or similar filler but it looked good enough in wood bearing in mind it was an elderly van even back then so I didn't bother and sold the van instead!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2018-03-17 4:14 PM


If a tenner sorts your problem you will have got away very lightly!


Many years ago I made an end cap for an elderly coachbuilt rubbing strake out of a hardwood offcut and painted black and stuck in place it looked OK!


I originally intended to use the wooden thingy to make a mould and cast one out of plastic padding or similar filler but it looked good enough in wood bearing in mind it was an elderly van even back then so I didn't bother and sold the van instead!


On the same theme ;-) .......Our gas locker lock protrudes further than the Aluminium framing of the door.......So first windy day the bodywork got a dent 8-) .........


Fixed it with a plain white no sew hole button that I cut the back off and stuck on with some double sided tape B-) ..........


It's still there 26.5 years later.........As I can see it from Cynthia's settee :D ........which I would be able spread out on if it wasn't for the dog *-) ..........





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