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Don't you ever go out in your motor homes?


Don't you ever go out in your motor homes?  

62 members have voted

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After the recent debate about people leaving and sniping in threads and stuff, we got to thinking that there appears to be more than a little 'cabin fever' around at the moment.

We don't get our motor home for another two months so we can't get away but we were wondering how often other readers did get away.

Whenever we sign in there are the same old faces (apart from the recent avatar changes) chewing the cud and debating almost any thread that pops up.

We got to thinking how often you actually used your motor homes?  We appreciate it's very early in the year but nonetheless . . . . .

This is a bit tongue-in-cheek so come on . . . take your best shot ;-)

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:-( were pretty much the same as dave newall due to work we carn't use it enough i do shift work that involves weekends then get time off through the week, unfortunatly my wife works mon - fri. when we do get time off together we really enjoy it & always say we should do it more often 8o|
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Our little Transit isn't "winterised," so it stays off the road until we can actually sleep in it (May-Sept usually). During the "off-season" I send in a SORN and transfer the insurance to a Ford Escort.

When the van IS on the road, we get away whenever we can, but we're limited a bit because (a) my wife's job ties her to schol hols and (b) mine makes weekends kind of difficult (see profile)!

We take a few weeks in summer hols (usually to France or beyond), plus a few days at a time in UK whenever we can.



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We dont use our van while the weather here is so rotton, we have no intention to drive miles to be couped up in the van, we love our home too much. Soon as slightly better weather and lighter days come, and sites open where we will not get bogged down, we will be off. chas
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We go as often as we can, I'm retired my wife is still working to put our daughter through University and to keep their horses, can be frustrating at times.

However when we are away we keep in contact by using the laptop, so just because you see me post it would be wrong to assume I am doing it from our 'Fixed' home rather than our 'Mobile' one!



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The van is "run" about monthly when we are not away.  We camp in it for around 8 - 10 weeks from April to June and about the same again between mid August and October.  However, that is the great privelege of retirement, allowing us to travel much further than was previously possible.
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I have voted 'monthly' because our 'programme' is similar to Brian's. Winter months - just a daily run out every so often, but as soon as the weather is anything like, then the more the better and anything up to 16 weeks in total.


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I dont find this type or survey very helpful because like many of you we make use of the better weather. We use our van quite a lot until Chirstmas and then stay at home until March and the lighter nights/warmer weather. In January and February we just go out every 2/3 weeks to keep everything ticking over and to charge the batteries. Why dont you ask for the number of nights spent away each year or put them into bands?










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Guest starspirit

We use ours a lot including winter and we had about 13 weeks in total away last year. We simply keep plenty of diesel in the tank in case it gets cold or snowy which are just the sort of road conditions that 3 tons of back end heavy fwd motorhome struggle with and we are prepared to sit tight for a day or two if the need arises, although it never has - yet!

Just back from another week away at based around the Shepton show, having already been away over Christmas and New Year (No - not on a CC site either!), and thoroughly enjoyed all of them.

The weather has been OK - bearing in mind that it is January - but had we listened to the weather forecast first we would never go anywhere. Wellies and waterproofs get a good outing or two but with plenty of old towels and some common sense the van stays clean and tidy in spite of the dog's best efforts to make it otherwise.

Can't vote as our sort of use is not mentioned - which is rarely less than a week at a time and up to a month - hopefully up to three months later this year.

Ask me another.

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(lol) :-> Hi,


We spent 77 nights away last year in spite on the NHS trying to prevent our fun.! This was all seasons and we loved all of it. Mostly on CL's 'cos we are tight g...!


Also along with Brian loved the Shepton Show. Did anyone else see the 'round house' at the bottom of the valley. Definiteley interesting! The rewards of owning dogs!


You don't have to go far to enjoy your 'van. Just a lovely couple of days away is wonderful.


Regards henry

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Can't really answer your poll because it doesn't reflect our camping pattern.

We started our motorhome camping in 1981 with a self conversion

We camp throughout the year whenever we are able. Although this has been mainly just weekends / holidays, I haven't worked for the past 6 months & so have, on occasions been out for weeks at a time.

Because my early retirement is now imminent, health permitting, we plan to camp more often, with periods of over a month at a time both in the UK and on the continent.


Happy Camping,


Mike Hol

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Not sure what to vote, my van gets used everyday in winter, in summer it usualy gets less use as I often use sports car or cycle to work, but last year I was carrying tools/materials for house and only went away twice because of house building.
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We use ours as much as we can at the moment, we work shifts including weekends. Roll on March and April then we retire, then the MH will get some use. Come rain or shine. We actualy like being in the MH when it is raining, sitting warm and snug listening to it on the roof.

Just as an example I worked 14 hours last Sunday, 8 Monday 15 Tuesday and will be going in shortly to do another 12 to night, then possibly, 12 tomorrow night, 8 Friday and then 14 on Saturday. Next week we are off to Cyprus for 8 days. Thank God!!!!!!!!!



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Our van gets used daily....to take the dog to the canal for his walkies. It uses less fuel than my Land Rover, and Blitz has not yet met the leather upholstery in my wife's SAAB.


The van is a 1994 Talbot Express LWB, and its prime raison d'etre was to travel to our "place in France" where it doubles as a builder's truck. It only carries clean stuff though, but that includes 4.2m lengths of timber, which it swallows whole. But one more trip, and the house should be finished, and we will be looking for a more respecable camper....hence my queries elsewhere about demountables. No doubt holidays will then become holidays rather than hard work.


Actually, I enjoy using the camper as much as the other two, for running around, except for parking in town.



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We go somewhere every weekend, rain hail or shine.  Of course there are the occasional chores weekends, but we see that as a failure!  Last weekend we were up near Ashby de la Zouche, this weekend we are taking the binoculars to Rutland Water. 

It's interesting the comments about patterns... we do a 2 weeker to Italy, France or Spain every Christmas, then a 2 weeker to Northern Europe in the summer, and several long weekends to France and Belgium through the year.  It would be interesting to see a more complete survey that asked where people travelled (Only domestic, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, non-EU Eurasia, further?), full timers, site preferences (wild, aires, CL-ish, fully appointed), demographics like travelling alone or twosome or family, size/age/length of ownership of van, miles per year, age of driver/s, thefts/breakins/other unpleasant experiences.  And tons more I suspect.  Would make for interesting reading, and help put forum and magazine comments and opionions into perspective.

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