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Uk address dilemma

Mad Cow

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An ex colleague is full timing in her motorhome mainly in europe but has just lost her one and only uk address which i understand is essential for insuring her vehicle and for any other important documents. For various reasons there is no one else she can rely on and as motorhomers ourselves we are about to embark on a long spell abroad and redirect our mail to one of our children. Has anyone had a similar dilemma and if so is therd a solution?


Thank you

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Lots of solutions if you are prepared to lie to the Insurance company, I have just renewed my van Insurance with Comfort and the documents plainly say that the company reserves the right to inspect the vehicle at the registered address , ask to see two utility bills in the policy holders name at the registered address and one must be on the Electoral role at the stated address in the event of a claim, unless full time Insurance has been granted,they do not even need all that in reality as today all computers are linked at Insurance companies so they know what one is up to any way, and they can and will deny a claim.
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Hi, thanks for your reply. She does have full time insurance as this is her home. Are you saying if you have full time insurance you don't need a UK address or that you just take a chance on never having to claim? Also there is the DVLA to consider should you get a speeding ticket etc. I assume a home address is needed for that though.
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Well if she has FULL TIMING Insurance the Insurance company has accepted that she is living in the van Full time so she just needs an address for other documents IE road tax, licence , registered address for the [log sheet /]vehicle etc., but I am sure the Insurance will want to know the new address too, how else can they send renewal details?
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vindiboy - 2018-03-28 11:28 AM


Mad Cow - 2018-03-27 9:45 PM


Thank you. Unfortunately she doesnt have a neighbour or anyone else that she can trust or use. P.O. Boxes are not allowed by DVLA or HMRC.


How about your address then ?



Because they are going away ?



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If you google, virtual address service. or British forces mail service. There are many companies out there who offer, postal address not po box, wo will scan and send you your mail via email of web app.



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So are those services deemed acceptable to the likes of DVLA and HMRC then..?

because if they are, it seems strange that, considering the number of times this question comes up on forums, "use a relative's or ex-neighbour's address" tends to be the main option put forwards....


Wouldn't "they"(the authorities) view the fact that someone needs one of these services, as indication they were just no longer a resident of the UK? ...especially if they weren't "earning" in the UK (& paying PAYE/NI etc?)

(also what about a GP/NHS?...over 3 months outside the UK and you are supposed to taken off your GP's list...)

It always strikes me that, although some make claims about "full-timing" ,and about being autonomous, many seem to be just "long-timing", and blagging their way through the grown-up stuff by using other folks' addresses.. :-S

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