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Back last year Macron the French president announce that he was going to change the terms of employment for workers shorter holidays and lower pensions

Last Friday the French air traffic went on strike for 4 days today the railway works have started strikes 2 days a week until June. Apparently the other unions are also gearing up to strike It looks like it could be a summer of disruption


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ham - 2018-04-03 2:55 PM


Back last year Macron the French president announce that he was going to change the terms of employment for workers shorter holidays and lower pensions

Last Friday the French air traffic went on strike for 4 days today the railway works have started strikes 2 days a week until June. Apparently the other unions are also gearing up to strike It looks like it could be a summer of disruption


That’s the whole point of strike action, it should cause disruption, otherwise it doesn’t work. Simples

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starvin marvin - 2018-04-03 8:44 PM


That’s the whole point of strike action, it should cause disruption, otherwise it doesn’t work. Simples


Is a strike a real PITA for those users/customers affected by the action? Absolutely

Do I support the workers' right to take industrial action? Yes


I've been on strike twice in my life. Both times it was about proposed substantial cuts in pension rights where we had previously accepted lower/no pay rises in previous years in return for promises of protections for our pensions. Both times the strikes quickly brought the management back to the negotiating table and a sensible compromise was worked out.


For everyone's sake I really hope the strike is settled quickly

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Comments on this thread seem to reflect the political slant of the poster rather than anything else - people who see themselves as workers (all workers?) at risk of exploitation by "them" (all bosses are evil exploiters) and who value the right of all workers to use group action to impose their will, versus those who resent the impact on third parties (eg the public) of strikes which (at least in some cases) are selfish and exploitive in themselves.


Shouldn't we be discussing the possible impact of these French strikes on motorhomers - and otherwise shouldn't this thread be in Chatterbox?


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The last paragraph in this article from France probably sums up the situation for Dover and the M20 & surrounding areas at busy holiday times.

I also think it probable that France is in for a year or two of union discontent with strikes popping up regularly. 

The situation at Dover & Eurotunnel is so fragile that a very short delay (eg 15 mins) will back up traffic onto the A20 towards Folkestone, or the M20 towards Ashford. The delays then simply multiply.
I live here and when it happens it is so disruptive to everyone whether locals/traders/holidaymakers.

It would appear that the moral for Motorhomers is don't travel at peak times and not during heavy holiday periods. 

Probably what most of us do anyway?

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monique.hubrechts@gm - 2018-04-07 7:41 PMYou have voted for the Brexit. You have large sea and airports. You need immigrants to keep the country running.
Monique. It's got nothing to do with Brexit? It's about the French going on strike & causing delays which then have a knock on effect! 
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monique.hubrechts@gm - 2018-04-07 7:41 PM


You have voted for the Brexit. You have large sea and airports. You need immigrants to keep the country running.


Yes we did , yes we do and any “immigrants “ post Brexit that are needed to keep the country running will be welcomed as working guests and appreciated for their effforts and hard work .

Ive been to France during a two week long fuel strike ( wildcat one ) and we eeked a tank of fuel out with good planning and imagination .

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monique.hubrechts@gm - 2018-04-07 7:41 PM


You have voted for the Brexit. You have large sea and airports. You need immigrants to keep the country running.


This thread has, in my view, nothing to do with Brexit or Politics, so why introduce such a comment!

Yes the French strike for any purpose they see fit, and it happens most years.


Having said that we were booked to go over, I think it was one of our trips in 2017, when the fuel delivery drivers were striking, and were concerned about keeping topped up. We came into Roscoff, as usual and travelled south to L'Orient, looked for the first station on our route down there, and filled up, no problem,, no restrictions...thereafter though we did top up very 100 miles or so, we never found any lack of fuel station open and no limits on the amount....contrary to what the UK press suggested.


I have to say though, that when over there we will top up if we see a suitable Hypermarket or fuel outlet and we've done 100 or so miles, as you never know what they are planning..

As our next trip is mid August, I doubt they will be on strike then, and by the time we return end of September they will all have forgotten about it and gone back to work anyway!.

I seem to recall last time it was only the TOTAL distributor drivers anyway?

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