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Foreign Office deletes lying tweet about Porton Down


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Tracker - 2018-04-07 6:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 6:26 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-07 6:20 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 6:13 PM

As for 'propaganda machine'.....you seriously believe Britain doesn't have it's own too?


Did I suggest that? I must be slipping, please show me where I said that so I can correct it!

As your post only mentioned the Russian propaganda machine it did appear to imply that, yes.


Not really, but it is the typical leftist and communist response of feeling guilty to tar everyone else with your own paranoia.

If wanting balance and clarity rather than one sided bias is being 'typical leftist' then i'm pleased to be just that. When someone only looks on one side of the coin all their life they can't really make judgement about the other they don't want to know of.


At the moment it looks like our own propaganda machine is badly in need of a service as it's not done too well so far. Cart before horse doesn't work.

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Violet1956 - 2018-04-07 7:13 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-07 6:13 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-07 4:10 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-07 4:04 PM

I question why a taped telephone conversation between Viktoria and Yulia was published on Russian TV. It was presented as something out of the blue and a surprise to Viktoria and yet it happened to be taped and made available on Russian State TV. The Russian propaganda machine is good but not surely not that good that we should swallow it wholesale. Let’s face it if you were inclined to disagree with a ruling government where would you choose to live Russia or the UK?


The Russian propaganda machine relies heavily on the ability of the Russian surveillance machine to provide it with suitably taped and edited material, something which they are evidently better at than democracy and honesty.

Look no further than GCHQ and Menwith Hill, one of the most powerful intercept stations in the world plonked amidst the hills of Yorkshire.


As for 'propaganda machine'.....you seriously believe Britain doesn't have it's own too?


Of course I don't BG. It is necessary to combat the c**p that the Russians spew out. We don't imprison political dissidents or silence those who exercise their right to the freedom of speech by imprisoning them. It's a case of the least worst available source of information that deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt on where the truth lies.

Skripal was a traitor Veronica, and given his frequent visits to the Russian Embassy it's questionable whether or not he was still involved. If so, MI5 would certainly not approve of that. He was fortunate to get out after only six years due to a spy swap.


We've had our own share of traitors too. Some escaped, Philby, Burgess, MacLean....whilst Blunt was rewarded with a Knighthood (later stripped) and given a job working for Her Maj (couldn't make that stuff up if you tried!!). We jailed Prime for 38 years, one of the longest sentences in history.....but unlike other traitors Prime came from the 'wrong side of the tracks'. He had no OxBridge background. I know a lot about Prime....he's still alive, at least he was two years ago.

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Tracker - 2018-04-07 8:17 PM


Probably because the leftist propaganda machine is based on a distortion of an economy of the truth that make it about as transparent as any communist state to anyone who has any experience of life.

Coming from a Brexiter and the recent Cambridge Analytica revelations i find that more than just a tad ironic to preach about "distortion"....especially of truth!!

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Do please pay attention, I am more of a Waitandseer than a Brexiteer as I have said many times. I can see the advantages and disadvantages of both in and out but as time passes I find it harder and harder to believe the tripe that you remoaners keep blathering on with.
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You Corbyn haters and 'Murica luvvies will salivate over todays Tory Times headline. (lol)


Looks like UK Gov are now desperate to get this case quickly buried with the help of MI6 and CIA. Quelle surprise!


As for batty Boris preaching about "lies and disinformation".....he's an expert in that field!! *-)



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The nasty stuff was found in most concentration around Mr Skripal's front door so I wouldn’t imagine they’d be given the warmest of welcomes if they went back to that home or that anyone with whom they came into contact in their daily lives would feel safe if they knew who they were. I can see them clearing out Zizzi's in seconds if they turned up for dinner.
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pelmetman - 2018-04-07 4:43 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 4:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 8:28 AM


I saw a TV program the other day that suggested that it was Putin who was the actual puppet of the Russian Gangsters who are really running the country. Dunno if there is any truth in it but he wasn't even elected President originally, just a stand in. Someone that came from nowhere. So the profile fits.


Whatever, its looking like it did in the 80s again but feels more dangerous to me. It seems pretty obvious that somehow this was the Russians but it would have made more sense to me to show the world undeniable Evidence first before taking action. What was the rush? They didnt seem to give a toss about Alexander Litvinenko and that took years to be properly investigated.



Came from nowhere? :-S .........You are joking aren't you? 8-) ........


Putin was the head of the FSB (Previously known as the KGB) so in the dirty tricks department, his credentials could hardly be any higher *-) ...........


No he wasnt. He was a nobody intelligence officer for 16 years and rose only as far as Lieutenant colonel before resigning to enter Politics in 1991. He was never elected as President either originally and was just an acting President originally.


"On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.[64]"




Do keep up dear *-) .........



But he didnt work his way up through the ranks in the KGB / FSB it was a title given to him by Yeltsin 7 years after he left the KGB and entered politics.

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But you have to accept that Putin does make a wonderful role model for Corbyn's vision of the UK according to Wiki -


"Under Putin's leadership, Russia has scored poorly in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index and experienced democratic backsliding according to both the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index and Freedom House's Freedom in the World index (including a record low 20/100 rating in the 2017 Freedom in the World report, a rating not given since the time of the Soviet Union). Western analysts no longer consider Russia to be a democracy.[21][22] Human rights organizations and activists have accused him of persecuting political critics and activists, as well as ordering them tortured or assassinated; he has rejected accusations of human rights abuses.[23] Officials of the United States government have accused him of leading an interference program against Hillary Clinton in support of Donald Trump during the U.S. presidential election in 2016, which both Trump and Putin have frequently denied and criticized.[24][25][26] Putin has enjoyed high domestic approval ratings during his career (mostly above 70%) and received extensive international attention as one of the world's most powerful leaders."

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 4:43 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 4:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 8:28 AM


I saw a TV program the other day that suggested that it was Putin who was the actual puppet of the Russian Gangsters who are really running the country. Dunno if there is any truth in it but he wasn't even elected President originally, just a stand in. Someone that came from nowhere. So the profile fits.


Whatever, its looking like it did in the 80s again but feels more dangerous to me. It seems pretty obvious that somehow this was the Russians but it would have made more sense to me to show the world undeniable Evidence first before taking action. What was the rush? They didnt seem to give a toss about Alexander Litvinenko and that took years to be properly investigated.



Came from nowhere? :-S .........You are joking aren't you? 8-) ........


Putin was the head of the FSB (Previously known as the KGB) so in the dirty tricks department, his credentials could hardly be any higher *-) ...........


No he wasnt. He was a nobody intelligence officer for 16 years and rose only as far as Lieutenant colonel before resigning to enter Politics in 1991. He was never elected as President either originally and was just an acting President originally.


"On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.[64]"




Do keep up dear *-) .........



But he didnt work his way up through the ranks in the KGB / FSB it was a title given to him by Yeltsin 7 years after he left the KGB and entered politics.


Make your mind up Barry *-) ........


Didn't you say he was a lowly Lieutenant colonel? ;-) .........


That's pretty high up the totem pole of ranks :D .........


Now he's I/C of Russia.........I doubt he got to there by accident......unlike Corbyn (lol) ..........





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pelmetman - 2018-04-08 3:21 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 4:43 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 4:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 8:28 AM


I saw a TV program the other day that suggested that it was Putin who was the actual puppet of the Russian Gangsters who are really running the country. Dunno if there is any truth in it but he wasn't even elected President originally, just a stand in. Someone that came from nowhere. So the profile fits.


Whatever, its looking like it did in the 80s again but feels more dangerous to me. It seems pretty obvious that somehow this was the Russians but it would have made more sense to me to show the world undeniable Evidence first before taking action. What was the rush? They didnt seem to give a toss about Alexander Litvinenko and that took years to be properly investigated.



Came from nowhere? :-S .........You are joking aren't you? 8-) ........


Putin was the head of the FSB (Previously known as the KGB) so in the dirty tricks department, his credentials could hardly be any higher *-) ...........


No he wasnt. He was a nobody intelligence officer for 16 years and rose only as far as Lieutenant colonel before resigning to enter Politics in 1991. He was never elected as President either originally and was just an acting President originally.


"On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.[64]"




Do keep up dear *-) .........



But he didnt work his way up through the ranks in the KGB / FSB it was a title given to him by Yeltsin 7 years after he left the KGB and entered politics.


Make your mind up Barry *-) ........


Didn't you say he was a lowly Lieutenant colonel? ;-) .........


That's pretty high up the totem pole of ranks :D .........


Now he's I/C of Russia.........I doubt he got to there by accident......unlike Corbyn (lol) ..........





If Corbyn gets in Dave it will be you and the other Brexiteers that put him there. oh the Irony. or is it poetic justice I dunno. (lol)

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Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 3:36 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-08 3:21 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 4:43 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 4:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 8:28 AM


I saw a TV program the other day that suggested that it was Putin who was the actual puppet of the Russian Gangsters who are really running the country. Dunno if there is any truth in it but he wasn't even elected President originally, just a stand in. Someone that came from nowhere. So the profile fits.


Whatever, its looking like it did in the 80s again but feels more dangerous to me. It seems pretty obvious that somehow this was the Russians but it would have made more sense to me to show the world undeniable Evidence first before taking action. What was the rush? They didnt seem to give a toss about Alexander Litvinenko and that took years to be properly investigated.



Came from nowhere? :-S .........You are joking aren't you? 8-) ........


Putin was the head of the FSB (Previously known as the KGB) so in the dirty tricks department, his credentials could hardly be any higher *-) ...........


No he wasnt. He was a nobody intelligence officer for 16 years and rose only as far as Lieutenant colonel before resigning to enter Politics in 1991. He was never elected as President either originally and was just an acting President originally.


"On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.[64]"




Do keep up dear *-) .........



But he didnt work his way up through the ranks in the KGB / FSB it was a title given to him by Yeltsin 7 years after he left the KGB and entered politics.


Make your mind up Barry *-) ........


Didn't you say he was a lowly Lieutenant colonel? ;-) .........


That's pretty high up the totem pole of ranks :D .........


Now he's I/C of Russia.........I doubt he got to there by accident......unlike Corbyn (lol) ..........





If Corbyn gets in Dave it will be you and the other Brexiteers that put him there. oh the Irony. or is it poetic justice I dunno. (lol)


No Barry it will be people like you that puts him there ... Given your doomsday predictions that tell of our sinking into the sea after leaving will it matter if Corbyn gets in anyway ??? ... I don't think so because according to you were doomed anyway

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 3:36 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-08 3:21 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 4:43 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 4:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 8:28 AM


I saw a TV program the other day that suggested that it was Putin who was the actual puppet of the Russian Gangsters who are really running the country. Dunno if there is any truth in it but he wasn't even elected President originally, just a stand in. Someone that came from nowhere. So the profile fits.


Whatever, its looking like it did in the 80s again but feels more dangerous to me. It seems pretty obvious that somehow this was the Russians but it would have made more sense to me to show the world undeniable Evidence first before taking action. What was the rush? They didnt seem to give a toss about Alexander Litvinenko and that took years to be properly investigated.



Came from nowhere? :-S .........You are joking aren't you? 8-) ........


Putin was the head of the FSB (Previously known as the KGB) so in the dirty tricks department, his credentials could hardly be any higher *-) ...........


No he wasnt. He was a nobody intelligence officer for 16 years and rose only as far as Lieutenant colonel before resigning to enter Politics in 1991. He was never elected as President either originally and was just an acting President originally.


"On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.[64]"




Do keep up dear *-) .........



But he didnt work his way up through the ranks in the KGB / FSB it was a title given to him by Yeltsin 7 years after he left the KGB and entered politics.


Make your mind up Barry *-) ........


Didn't you say he was a lowly Lieutenant colonel? ;-) .........


That's pretty high up the totem pole of ranks :D .........


Now he's I/C of Russia.........I doubt he got to there by accident......unlike Corbyn (lol) ..........





If Corbyn gets in Dave it will be you and the other Brexiteers that put him there. oh the Irony. or is it poetic justice I dunno. (lol)


Yeah but unlike you Remoaner suckers ;-) .........I have a plan "B" >:-) ..........


It's adios amigos :D ......



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Violet1956 - 2018-04-08 8:20 AM


The nasty stuff was found in most concentration around Mr Skripal's front door so I wouldn’t imagine they’d be given the warmest of welcomes if they went back to that home or that anyone with whom they came into contact in their daily lives would feel safe if they knew who they were. I can see them clearing out Zizzi's in seconds if they turned up for dinner.

Yet amazingly before the house was cordoned off, chem-tent erected, and hazmat suited investigators descended on scene......just a couple of coppers in uniform were posted outside.



Like the paramedics who took the Skripals to hospital, they must have been immune from such a potent agent said to be 5-8 times more lethal than VX nerve agent and effects are rapid, usually within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The police officer who attended on scene with the paramedics....he ends up in intensive care.




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pelmetman - 2018-04-08 4:28 PM........................Yeah but unlike you Remoaner suckers ;-) .........I have a plan "B" >:-) ..........


It's adios amigos :D ......

Typical, campaign for years to wreck the economy, and then, when you succeed, just sod off! Great scheme!

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Bulletguy - 2018-04-08 4:51 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-08 12:38 PM

But you have to accept that Putin does make a wonderful role model for Corbyn's vision of the UK

So log in to it and edit in your own right wing views. That's all Wiki is.


My views, far from being right wing are much more in tune with the majority of born here British citizens with any modicum of common sense and life experience than yours and the looney left will ever be - thank heavens - but I don't believe in continually starting new topics just to carry on ramming my views down everyone else's throat and I will leave Wiki to the alleged experts.

It makes I laugh that you have no issues using a Wiki reference when it suits you but you are not so understanding when it works against your own biased views.

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Brian Kirby - 2018-04-08 5:00 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-08 4:28 PM........................Yeah but unlike you Remoaner suckers ;-) .........I have a plan "B" >:-) ..........


It's adios amigos :D ......

Typical, campaign for years to wreck the economy, and then, when you succeed, just sod off! Great scheme!


Except he wont be able to sod off for more than three months no more than any of us will be able to and I cant imagine Dave applying for residence in the EU can you? (lol)

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antony1969 - 2018-04-08 4:19 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 3:36 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-08 3:21 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 4:43 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 4:37 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-07 2:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-04-07 8:28 AM


I saw a TV program the other day that suggested that it was Putin who was the actual puppet of the Russian Gangsters who are really running the country. Dunno if there is any truth in it but he wasn't even elected President originally, just a stand in. Someone that came from nowhere. So the profile fits.


Whatever, its looking like it did in the 80s again but feels more dangerous to me. It seems pretty obvious that somehow this was the Russians but it would have made more sense to me to show the world undeniable Evidence first before taking action. What was the rush? They didnt seem to give a toss about Alexander Litvinenko and that took years to be properly investigated.



Came from nowhere? :-S .........You are joking aren't you? 8-) ........


Putin was the head of the FSB (Previously known as the KGB) so in the dirty tricks department, his credentials could hardly be any higher *-) ...........


No he wasnt. He was a nobody intelligence officer for 16 years and rose only as far as Lieutenant colonel before resigning to enter Politics in 1991. He was never elected as President either originally and was just an acting President originally.


"On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.[64]"




Do keep up dear *-) .........



But he didnt work his way up through the ranks in the KGB / FSB it was a title given to him by Yeltsin 7 years after he left the KGB and entered politics.


Make your mind up Barry *-) ........


Didn't you say he was a lowly Lieutenant colonel? ;-) .........


That's pretty high up the totem pole of ranks :D .........


Now he's I/C of Russia.........I doubt he got to there by accident......unlike Corbyn (lol) ..........





If Corbyn gets in Dave it will be you and the other Brexiteers that put him there. oh the Irony. or is it poetic justice I dunno. (lol)


No Barry it will be people like you that puts him there ... Given your doomsday predictions that tell of our sinking into the sea after leaving will it matter if Corbyn gets in anyway ??? ... I don't think so because according to you were doomed anyway


Not really. If I am right about Brexit being a disaster the entire thing will be blamed on the Tories. I doubt it will make much difference if I vote at all. Your only hope is if Corbyn gets the boot. Our stupid system means its pretty much always going to be a two horse race and the Tories are completely doomed now. No way out for them. If we had not got down the Brexit path I suspect it would be business as usual for the foreseeable. Now look at the mess we are in.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-04-08 5:09 PM


Brian Kirby - 2018-04-08 5:00 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-08 4:28 PM........................Yeah but unlike you Remoaner suckers ;-) .........I have a plan "B" >:-) ..........


It's adios amigos :D ......

Typical, campaign for years to wreck the economy, and then, when you succeed, just sod off! Great scheme!


Except he wont be able to sod off for more than three months no more than any of us will be able to and I cant imagine Dave applying for residence in the EU can you? (lol)


I'd apply for residency in Spain, as there's no such thing as a EU residency ;-) ..........


May have to do it anyway to replate Terence the Toyota *-) .......



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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2018-04-08 5:00 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-08 4:28 PM........................Yeah but unlike you Remoaner suckers ;-) .........I have a plan "B" >:-) ..........


It's adios amigos :D ......

Typical, campaign for years to wreck the economy, and then, when you succeed, just sod off! Great scheme!


I'll only initiate plan "B" if you remoaners manage to thwart Brexit, or the British public are stupid enough to put a Communist in charge of No 10 8-) ..........





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Tracker - 2018-04-08 5:04 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-08 4:51 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-08 12:38 PM

But you have to accept that Putin does make a wonderful role model for Corbyn's vision of the UK

So log in to it and edit in your own right wing views. That's all Wiki is.


My views, far from being right wing are much more in tune with the majority of born here British citizens with any modicum of common sense and life experience than yours and the looney left will ever be - thank heavens - but I don't believe in continually starting new topics just to carry on ramming my views down everyone else's throat and I will leave Wiki to the alleged experts.

It makes I laugh that you have no issues using a Wiki reference when it suits you but you are not so understanding when it works against your own biased views.

Yeah i've read your posts! ;-)


No need to get so tetchy anyway. Simply pointing out common knowledge you can add your own tuppence worth and political bias anytime you want into Wiki. As a reference point it's generally ok for date times, birth, death dates, population figures etc, but anything detailed you have to read between the lines.



pelmetman - 2018-04-08 5:31 PM


I'd apply for residency in Spain, as there's no such thing as a EU residency ;-) ..........


May have to do it anyway to replate Terence the Toyota *-) .......

Oh the irony! *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-08 5:59 PM

pelmetman - 2018-04-08 5:31 PM


I'd apply for residency in Spain, as there's no such thing as a EU residency ;-) ..........


May have to do it anyway to replate Terence the Toyota *-) .......

Oh the irony! *-)


How would it be ironic? ;-) .......


Brits have been moving to other countries long before the EU was invented, and they'll be doing so once it's dead and buried >:-) .........





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pelmetman - 2018-04-08 6:08 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-08 5:59 PM

pelmetman - 2018-04-08 5:31 PM


I'd apply for residency in Spain, as there's no such thing as a EU residency ;-) ..........


May have to do it anyway to replate Terence the Toyota *-) .......

Oh the irony! *-)


How would it be ironic? ;-) .......

Irony is as lost as the meaning of hypocrisy is on you.

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Government Propaganda Now Totally Bizarre


The increasing desperation of government attempts to “prove” the Russians responsible for the Skripal attack has become increasingly bizarre. They now claim GCHQ picked up from Troodos a message from Syria to Moscow that “the package has been delivered”, and a further one that “two people have made their egress”.



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