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Foreign Office deletes lying tweet about Porton Down


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-09 9:44 PM



Government Propaganda Now Totally Bizarre


The increasing desperation of government attempts to “prove” the Russians responsible for the Skripal attack has become increasingly bizarre. They now claim GCHQ picked up from Troodos a message from Syria to Moscow that “the package has been delivered”, and a further one that “two people have made their egress”.




No doubt you believe Assad isn't using chemical weapons either? *-) ..........


Your as dumb as that terrorist apologist Corbyn 8-) ........



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pelmetman - 2018-04-10 7:49 AM


No doubt you believe Assad isn't using chemical weapons either? *-) ..........


Your as dumb as that terrorist apologist Corbyn 8-) ........

Not only does your silly post bear absolutely no relevance to the thread topic, it's very telling you posted the above tripe in preference to addressing the clip Veronica posted on your thread which you've completely ignored.


Ironic that you opened that thread with the words "they hate the truth". Yes you do don't you?

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Yulia Skripal has been discharged and whisked out of Salisbury hospital at the crack of dawn yesterday.....off to a 'secure location'. No doubt already receiving 'training' courtesy of MI5


From a "1% chance of survival" to walking out of hospital in four weeks......staggering! And Sergei is also now "well on the way to recovery". Amazing. Mays Lazareth moment!


The UK Russian Embassy said, "With a secret resettlement of Mr and Ms Skripal all opportunities to hear their version of the events of 4 March will highly likely be lost forever.


"The world, while having no opportunity to interact with them, will have every reason to see this as an abduction of the two Russian nationals or at least as their isolation."


I think they have a point. After all Yulia is a Russian citizen.....not British. I can only imagine how Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffes husband must be feeling right now.





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Poor old Bulletbrain, politically deaf and blind, such a shame he is not politically mute as well!


Did it not occur to you that Yulia may have asked to be saved from the 'protection' of her homeland just as she did not want their consular 'support'.


Who to trust with your life - the UK or Russia - gee that's a toughie!!

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Tracker - 2018-04-10 5:11 PM


Did it not occur to you that Yulia may have asked to be saved from the 'protection' of her homeland just as she did not want their consular 'support'.

Has it not occurred to you that someone whose already said they are "recovering but feeling disorientated" may well not be in full control of their faculties and able to make their own decisions without pressure and influence?


Also as a Russian citizen, as far as i'm aware that countries diplomatic representatives have a legal right to speak to their citizen which has so far been denied by UK which is unprecedented.

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If I were feeling disorientated I think I might be more inclined to believe those who saved my life rather than those who tried to take it and I certainly would not want Russian spies anywhere near me.


Being Russian I suspect that Yulia knows a lot more about the way the Russians, and the Brits, work than you or I might?


Refusing consular access from a known hostile power is very different to not being allowed it, but don't let the possibility of an opposing side to this tale spoiling your opportunity for another groundless political attack on the UK government.


You'll be telling me next that Consular staff of any nation, including ours, are not spies and do not report back to their governments - yeah right!


PS - Note for Antony and others - see how I managed to reply to Bulletbrain without reposting yards of previous postings - clever stuff eh!

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Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 5:27 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-10 5:11 PM


Did it not occur to you that Yulia may have asked to be saved from the 'protection' of her homeland just as she did not want their consular 'support'.

Has it not occurred to you that someone whose already said they are "recovering but feeling disorientated" may well not be in full control of their faculties and able to make their own decisions without pressure and influence?


Also as a Russian citizen, as far as i'm aware that countries diplomatic representatives have a legal right to speak to their citizen which has so far been denied by UK which is unprecedented.


Given that country is currently numero uno when it comes to suspects in the attack team UK are hardly likely to give them access to someone they've tried to kill now are they ... Jesus some folk

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Tracker - 2018-04-10 5:41 PM


If I were feeling disorientated I think I might be more inclined to believe those who saved my life rather than those who tried to take it...

You're beginning to sound like May now. What happened to due process?



.....and I certainly would not want Russian spies anywhere near me.

May chucked 'em all out........didn't she? Besides MI5, FSB, CIA, they all know each other as they are in the same business.


Being Russian I suspect that Yulia knows a lot more about the way the Russians, and the Brits, work than you or I might?

Without doubt........so what reason would you have to fear her speaking to her country's officials? You think the Russian Ambassador to UK is going to storm in with a regiment of FSB henchmen to knock her off? *-)


Refusing consular access from a known hostile power is very different to not being allowed it, but don't let the possibility of an opposing side to this tale spoiling your opportunity for another groundless political attack on the UK government.

The only hostility i've seen has been coming from our own Govt with it's insane knee jerk reaction and proven lying from a Foreign Secretary. It's also highly questionable as to whether May has misled the public over this matter, hence the reason her desperation to put the lid on this as quickly as possible in the hope it will go away and get forgotten.


People still haven't forgot, or forgiven the way in which UN weapons inspector Dr David Kelly was treated due to the anxiety of UK Govt to join the US in regime change and illegal invasion of Iraq.


You'll be telling me next that Consular staff of any nation, including ours, are not spies and do not report back to their governments - yeah right!

Some are in every Embassy irrespective of nation. We have MI5 "diplomats" in the British Embassy in Russia. I posted links from Craig Murray who was UK Ambassador to the Embassy in Uzbekistan. He knows the inner machinations of the network better than any.....but i doubt you've even looked at anything he's written.

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antony1969 - 2018-04-10 5:49 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 5:27 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-10 5:11 PM


Did it not occur to you that Yulia may have asked to be saved from the 'protection' of her homeland just as she did not want their consular 'support'.

Has it not occurred to you that someone whose already said they are "recovering but feeling disorientated" may well not be in full control of their faculties and able to make their own decisions without pressure and influence?


Also as a Russian citizen, as far as i'm aware that countries diplomatic representatives have a legal right to speak to their citizen which has so far been denied by UK which is unprecedented.


Given that country is currently numero uno when it comes to suspects in the attack team UK are hardly likely to give them access to someone they've tried to kill now are they ... Jesus some folk.

Being a suspect doesn't make guilt. The latter has not yet been proven but now it's gone this far, May and UK Govt have some very serious questions to answer. Somehow i doubt we will ever get them.

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A degree of scepticism is needed in order to evaluate all the stuff reported in the news. We are fortunate here in the UK that when we express our scepticism we don’t have the same fear of death, jail or any other forms of deprivation that dissidents in Russia are likely to experience. Whilst it would be naïve in the extreme to believe everything we are fed by our government, the Russian state is one of the most oppressive, mendacious and obviously corrupt regimes that there is and on that simple basis I have decided what is most likely. I could be wrong but it’s the best I can do.
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Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 6:17 PM


antony1969 - 2018-04-10 5:49 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 5:27 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-10 5:11 PM


Did it not occur to you that Yulia may have asked to be saved from the 'protection' of her homeland just as she did not want their consular 'support'.

Has it not occurred to you that someone whose already said they are "recovering but feeling disorientated" may well not be in full control of their faculties and able to make their own decisions without pressure and influence?


Also as a Russian citizen, as far as i'm aware that countries diplomatic representatives have a legal right to speak to their citizen which has so far been denied by UK which is unprecedented.


Given that country is currently numero uno when it comes to suspects in the attack team UK are hardly likely to give them access to someone they've tried to kill now are they ... Jesus some folk.

Being a suspect doesn't make guilt. The latter has not yet been proven but now it's gone this far, May and UK Govt have some very serious questions to answer. Somehow i doubt we will ever get them.


Don't believe I said being a suspect does mean your guilty ... Russia is accused by some of attempted murder ... Where else would someone accused of attempted murder be given access to their intended victim ???

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Violet1956 - 2018-04-10 6:50 PM


A degree of scepticism is needed in order to evaluate all the stuff reported in the news. We are fortunate here in the UK that when we express our scepticism we don’t have the same fear of death, jail or any other forms of deprivation that dissidents in Russia are likely to experience. Whilst it would be naïve in the extreme to believe everything we are fed by our government, the Russian state is one of the most oppressive, mendacious and obviously corrupt regimes that there is and on that simple basis I have decided what is most likely. I could be wrong but it’s the best I can do.

Many remain sceptical over this case Veronica and not without good reason either. Whilst Russia certainly has history of oppression nobody has nurtured and embraced the corruption more than the west by opening it's doors to oligarchs. We willingly turn a blind eye to that as the vast wealth they've brought into the UK is all too 'convenient' and welcomed.


What British find hard to accept or believe is we live under suppression in an Orwellian state and long been known as the most heavily surveilled state in the west. This isn't just cctv either as some believe.....it's more, a lot more. Take a look at the workings behind Menwith Hill for example. The grounds belong to UK.....but the station which interlinks with GCHQ is owned and run by the NSA which is US.








On the thread topic.....BBC Radio Scotland spoke to ex-MI5 officer Annie Mashon today. What she had to say bears out much of what i've been saying. It's only just under 6 minutes but well worth listening to.



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Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 8:54 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-10 6:50 PM


A degree of scepticism is needed in order to evaluate all the stuff reported in the news. We are fortunate here in the UK that when we express our scepticism we don’t have the same fear of death, jail or any other forms of deprivation that dissidents in Russia are likely to experience. Whilst it would be naïve in the extreme to believe everything we are fed by our government, the Russian state is one of the most oppressive, mendacious and obviously corrupt regimes that there is and on that simple basis I have decided what is most likely. I could be wrong but it’s the best I can do.

Many remain sceptical over this case Veronica and not without good reason either. Whilst Russia certainly has history of oppression nobody has nurtured and embraced the corruption more than the west by opening it's doors to oligarchs. We willingly turn a blind eye to that as the vast wealth they've brought into the UK is all too 'convenient' and welcomed.


What British find hard to accept or believe is we live under suppression in an Orwellian state and long been known as the most heavily surveilled state in the west. This isn't just cctv either as some believe.....it's more, a lot more. Take a look at the workings behind Menwith Hill for example. The grounds belong to UK.....but the station which interlinks with GCHQ is owned and run by the NSA which is US.








On the thread topic.....BBC Radio Scotland spoke to ex-MI5 officer Annie Mashon today. What she had to say bears out much of what i've been saying. It's only just under 6 minutes but well worth listening to.



I have listened to what Annie Mashon has to say but as an ex-MI5 officer she is unlikely to have any access to all the intelligence that is available to the government so her opinion is based on speculation and nothing more. I would expect more of an ex-MI5 officer. However, if she is an example of the kind of person employed by MI5 then you may be right and the evidence upon which the government has relied is flimsy so we may have to call it quits ;-)
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Violet1956 - 2018-04-10 9:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 8:54 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-10 6:50 PM


A degree of scepticism is needed in order to evaluate all the stuff reported in the news. We are fortunate here in the UK that when we express our scepticism we don’t have the same fear of death, jail or any other forms of deprivation that dissidents in Russia are likely to experience. Whilst it would be naïve in the extreme to believe everything we are fed by our government, the Russian state is one of the most oppressive, mendacious and obviously corrupt regimes that there is and on that simple basis I have decided what is most likely. I could be wrong but it’s the best I can do.

Many remain sceptical over this case Veronica and not without good reason either. Whilst Russia certainly has history of oppression nobody has nurtured and embraced the corruption more than the west by opening it's doors to oligarchs. We willingly turn a blind eye to that as the vast wealth they've brought into the UK is all too 'convenient' and welcomed.


What British find hard to accept or believe is we live under suppression in an Orwellian state and long been known as the most heavily surveilled state in the west. This isn't just cctv either as some believe.....it's more, a lot more. Take a look at the workings behind Menwith Hill for example. The grounds belong to UK.....but the station which interlinks with GCHQ is owned and run by the NSA which is US.








On the thread topic.....BBC Radio Scotland spoke to ex-MI5 officer Annie Mashon today. What she had to say bears out much of what i've been saying. It's only just under 6 minutes but well worth listening to.



I have listened to what Annie Mashon has to say but as an ex-MI5 officer she is unlikely to have any access to all the intelligence that is available to the government so her opinion is based on speculation and nothing more. I would expect more of an ex-MI5 officer. However, if she is an example of the kind of person employed by MI5 then you may be right and the evidence upon which the government has relied is flimsy so we may have to call it quits ;-)

Obviously regards MI5 and 'ex-officer' is all we will ever get and actually even that is pretty rare. Remember Thatcher banned "Spycatcher", the book written by former MI5 officer Peter Wright, from sale here in England.....totally crazy as legally it could be bought in Scotland where i got mine from. That's just one example of what i mean by 'suppression'.....but some Brits roll with it. I never have. It took a three year court battle to overturn Thatchers suppression which cost the taxpayer £250k. Madness.


I think Machon makes valid points about reversing the situation (Brit citizen in Russia) and she's bang on right with that. Also secreting Yulia away and not allowing her to talk outside security....she's virtually under a form of house arrest which is unthinkable in this country. Machon is also right about May "jumping the gun".


Up to now we've only heard UK Govt authorities speak for Yulia......and that's not good enough in my opinion. Let the public hear what Yulia herself has to say.....not a carefully monitored and contrived government mouthpiece. What the hell are they so afraid of her saying? I think the entire case has been shoddily handled from the outset.


Off topic slightly but still relevant, take a read of the Gareth Williams case sometime. GCHQ guy working with MI6 found dead in a holdall bag, zipped and locked, in his bath in 2010. Coroners verdict was "insufficient evidence" to give a verdict of unlawful killing though "on the balance of probabilities Gareth was killed unlawfully", A wall of silence descended on that from the security services and eight years on still remains unsolved.


I fear the Skripal case is already going the same way.



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Or an ex-MI5 officer now working for the Russians? Incidentally I couldn't get your link to the Annie Mashon interview to work this a.m. when I wanted to take a look at it again BG. Spooky or what? Can't find it on a google search under her name either only found a youtube video of interview with her on the RT station when she was questioning US motives regarding the arrest of an alleged Russian spy in the US back in 2010. I suspect, or should I say speculate to be more accurate, that MI5's file on her takes up a whole cabinet.
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Violet1956 - 2018-04-11 9:17 AM


Or an ex-MI5 officer now working for the Russians? Incidentally I couldn't get your link to the Annie Mashon interview to work this a.m. when I wanted to take a look at it again BG. Spooky or what? Can't find it on a google search under her name either only found a youtube video of interview with her on the RT station when she was questioning US motives regarding the arrest of an alleged Russian spy in the US back in 2010. I suspect, or should I say speculate to be more accurate, that MI5's file on her takes up a whole cabinet.

I noticed that too yet when i typed the link in to a fresh window, it opened. I think it's no more than a glitch in OAL's archaic software as another forum i posted the same link yesterday, it still opens up perfectly.




If that doesn't open.....type https : // instaud. io/ 21 c but without spaces.


BBC's Emily Young interviewed Machon a couple of years ago. It's quite interesting; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36401164


It's always been a murky world because we've always been extremely secretive, mostly for good reason but sometimes quite silly....eg Bletchley Park code breaking remained ultra top secret for years after war ended even to the point of families not knowing what their husband, wife, son or daughter had done and only became public knowledge in the 80's.


The life story of Eddie Chapman is a good one if like me you are fascinated by this sort of thing. The BBC made a cracking documentary about his ww2 'activities' fortunately just before he died in 1997. He's the only British to be awarded the German Iron Cross....that's how convincing his work as a double agent was. In his words, "i had rather a bloody good war actually".



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 3:44 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-10 7:49 AM


No doubt you believe Assad isn't using chemical weapons either? *-) ..........


Your as dumb as that terrorist apologist Corbyn 8-) ........

Not only does your silly post bear absolutely no relevance to the thread topic, it's very telling you posted the above tripe in preference to addressing the clip Veronica posted on your thread which you've completely ignored.


Ironic that you opened that thread with the words "they hate the truth". Yes you do don't you?


Actually it has a lot of relevance about folk who defend Putin dontcha think? ;-) ........


Seeing as Putin's bum chum Assad has no issues using chemical weapons on children? :-| ........


Yet you seem to think he wouldn't use them on a traitor? :-S ........


Damn your taking dumb ar*e to a whole new level 8-) .......



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pelmetman - 2018-04-11 3:26 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 3:44 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-10 7:49 AM


No doubt you believe Assad isn't using chemical weapons either? *-) ..........


Your as dumb as that terrorist apologist Corbyn 8-) ........

Not only does your silly post bear absolutely no relevance to the thread topic, it's very telling you posted the above tripe in preference to addressing the clip Veronica posted on your thread which you've completely ignored.


Ironic that you opened that thread with the words "they hate the truth". Yes you do don't you?


Actually it has a lot of relevance about folk who defend Putin dontcha think? ;-) ........


Seeing as Putin's bum chum Assad has no issues using chemical weapons on children? :-| ........


Yet you seem to think he wouldn't use them on a traitor? :-S ........

Given your history of hate for the many Muslims who've fled war torn Syria, i'm finding this newly found 'empathy' of yours somewhat spurious when all you ever post up is inflammatory hate mongering links about Muslims, migrants and refugees. Where was your 'empathy' when Aleppo and Homs was being indiscriminately barrel bombed to obliteration?


I suggest you open a thread to further discuss the war in Syria and i look forward to reading it.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-11 4:55 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-11 3:26 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-10 3:44 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-10 7:49 AM


No doubt you believe Assad isn't using chemical weapons either? *-) ..........


Your as dumb as that terrorist apologist Corbyn 8-) ........

Not only does your silly post bear absolutely no relevance to the thread topic, it's very telling you posted the above tripe in preference to addressing the clip Veronica posted on your thread which you've completely ignored.


Ironic that you opened that thread with the words "they hate the truth". Yes you do don't you?


Actually it has a lot of relevance about folk who defend Putin dontcha think? ;-) ........


Seeing as Putin's bum chum Assad has no issues using chemical weapons on children? :-| ........


Yet you seem to think he wouldn't use them on a traitor? :-S ........

Given your history of hate for the many Muslims who've fled war torn Syria, i'm finding this newly found 'empathy' of yours somewhat spurious when all you ever post up is inflammatory hate mongering links about Muslims, migrants and refugees. Where was your 'empathy' when Aleppo and Homs was being indiscriminately barrel bombed to obliteration?


I suggest you open a thread to further discuss the war in Syria and i look forward to reading it.


Hate? :-S ........Didn't I say I was a Islamicskeptic ;-) ........


Well I have read their book unlike you Dum Dum :D .......


As for empathy I am no different to any animal when it comes to recognising suffering >:-( .......


Where as you Bullet are so seriously brainwashed that you are no longer capable of independent thought.........







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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-06 8:20 PM


Meantime.....back to some factual news. UK has denied Viktoria Skripal a visa to visit her cousin Yulia.


A Home Office spokesman said: “We have refused a visitor visa application from Viktoria Skripal on the grounds that her application did not comply with the immigration rules.”


So come on HO......exactly what part of her application "did not comply"??






Here's some factual news you ain't gonna like Bullet :D ........


'I do NOT want Russian Embassy help – and my family don't speak on my behalf' says Yulia Skripal as she breaks her silence after being released from hospital




(lol) (lol) (lol) .......



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pelmetman - 2018-04-11 9:21 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-06 8:20 PM


Meantime.....back to some factual news. UK has denied Viktoria Skripal a visa to visit her cousin Yulia.


A Home Office spokesman said: “We have refused a visitor visa application from Viktoria Skripal on the grounds that her application did not comply with the immigration rules.”


So come on HO......exactly what part of her application "did not comply"??






Here's some factual news you ain't gonna like Bullet :D ........


'I do NOT want Russian Embassy help – and my family don't speak on my behalf' says Yulia Skripal as she breaks her silence after being released from hospital



Typically you've just read the header and not the article otherwise you would have seen;


"I have access to friends and family, and I have been made aware of my specific contacts at the Russian embassy, who have kindly offered me their assistance in any way they can. At the moment I do not wish to avail myself of their services, but if I change my mind, I know how to contact them.”


“For the moment I do not wish to speak to the press or the media, and ask for their understanding and patience whilst I try to come to terms with my current situation.”


Reading the full transcript suggests to me it had been very carefully composed and drafted by someone whose first language is English, not Russian. Not that we don't have any Russian interpreters but the composition was 'too British'. "Avail myself" is also more legalese than every day English. I look forward to hearing Yulia speak for herself, in her own words without her MI5 'guards' but fear that is going to be a very long way off.


So she is reserving the right to change her mind....though UK Govt will do everything it can to stop that ever happening and it should however be remembered that Yuilia is being held under what amounts to a form of house arrest detention and whatever written statements currently come out will be influenced by her MI5 'watchers'.


Taking up permanent residency here is not going to be easy by a long way. Friends, family, language, cultural differences......it's not as easy as you seem to believe, not to mention her boyfriend who she'd lived with for five years. Also she will undoubtedly find herself overwhelmed by propaganda from both sides begging her to jump in their direction to help validate or invalidate the allegations of Russian state involvement.


We've also yet to hear the OCPW report which is still to be released.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-11 11:03 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-11 9:21 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-06 8:20 PM


Meantime.....back to some factual news. UK has denied Viktoria Skripal a visa to visit her cousin Yulia.


A Home Office spokesman said: “We have refused a visitor visa application from Viktoria Skripal on the grounds that her application did not comply with the immigration rules.”


So come on HO......exactly what part of her application "did not comply"??






Here's some factual news you ain't gonna like Bullet :D ........


'I do NOT want Russian Embassy help – and my family don't speak on my behalf' says Yulia Skripal as she breaks her silence after being released from hospital



Typically you've just read the header and not the article otherwise you would have seen;


"I have access to friends and family, and I have been made aware of my specific contacts at the Russian embassy, who have kindly offered me their assistance in any way they can. At the moment I do not wish to avail myself of their services, but if I change my mind, I know how to contact them.”


“For the moment I do not wish to speak to the press or the media, and ask for their understanding and patience whilst I try to come to terms with my current situation.”


Reading the full transcript suggests to me it had been very carefully composed and drafted by someone whose first language is English, not Russian. Not that we don't have any Russian interpreters but the composition was 'too British'. "Avail myself" is also more legalese than every day English. I look forward to hearing Yulia speak for herself, in her own words without her MI5 'guards' but fear that is going to be a very long way off.


So she is reserving the right to change her mind....though UK Govt will do everything it can to stop that ever happening and it should however be remembered that Yuilia is being held under what amounts to a form of house arrest detention and whatever written statements currently come out will be influenced by her MI5 'watchers'.


Taking up permanent residency here is not going to be easy by a long way. Friends, family, language, cultural differences......it's not as easy as you seem to believe, not to mention her boyfriend who she'd lived with for five years. Also she will undoubtedly find herself overwhelmed by propaganda from both sides begging her to jump in their direction to help validate or invalidate the allegations of Russian state involvement.


We've also yet to hear the OCPW report which is still to be released.


Shock horror the forums Putin's Puppet thinks its all a UK government plot (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........


Prolly even thinks we gassed them *-) ..........



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Bulletguy - 2018-04-11 11:03 PM


Taking up permanent residency here is not going to be easy by a long way. Friends, family, language, cultural differences......it's not as easy as you seem to believe, not to mention her boyfriend who she'd lived with for five years. Also she will undoubtedly find herself overwhelmed by propaganda from both sides begging her to jump in their direction to help validate or invalidate the allegations of Russian state involvement.



You missed bit in living here not going to be easy for Yulia - having a death threat for all defectors from the Russian government does not make it easy.


Her statement does seem to be carefully crafted in that it leaves all doors open and makes no accusations and in her place I would probably ask to say the same.


The UK is a lot more free than Russia and she can always change her mind here without persecution which is more than she can in Russia.



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