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Free Truck Stop Guide

Guest Frank Wilkinson

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We've had some of our best one-nighters in France at trucker stop/restaurants. As Mel E said the food is always good, cheap, and the wine is usually included in the price (go steady). We always seek advice from the restaurant as to the best place to park, after indicating that we will be dining with them, they know the best places for everyones sake.


There is another advantage to these type stops. Being stuck in the middle of ten to forty lorries, having spent an evening with their drivers, you most certainly feel safe.


Have fun.



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Guest Frank Wilkinson
starspirit - 2007-01-20 5:28 PM The CC won't even notice. If they don't notice us when we leave their club and never bother to enquire why or carry out any member surveys whatsoever why should they care? Maybe they will be glad to see the back of us unbooked 'one nighters' as we sure do (did in my case!) inconvenience their accounting system.

This constant sniping at the CC, even when it's nothing to do with the thread is very boring Starspirit. We all know now how much you don't like the CC and you're not even a member anymore so please, spare us all will you?

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Frank - at least Starspirit is predictable and honest! ;-)


I also don't give a t*ss what the CC thinks about all of this, seeing as I've just thrown the towel in with them partly because I can't get bookings in their sites some 9 months hence I'm afraid that they really need to take a good look at the way in which they are running the 'club'.


It wasn't even Starspirit who mentioned about the CC in the first place but I don't see you having a go at the person that did, just poor old Starspirit!


If you don't like my last comment above then think about how starspirit felt about your last posting to him - stop making personal comments please and this forum will be a happier place for us all.*-)

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
Mel B - 2007-01-21 6:35 PM Frank - at least Starspirit is predictable and honest! ;-) I also don't give a t*ss what the CC thinks about all of this, seeing as I've just thrown the towel in with them partly because I can't get bookings in their sites some 9 months hence I'm afraid that they really need to take a good look at the way in which they are running the 'club'. It wasn't even Starspirit who mentioned about the CC in the first place but I don't see you having a go at the person that did, just poor old Starspirit! If you don't like my last comment above then think about how starspirit felt about your last posting to him - stop making personal comments please and this forum will be a happier place for us all.*-)

If you read the thread carefully you will see that you are wrong I'm afraid. I did mention the first person who decided to bring in the CC. Please read the post from Mike Hol and my response to it. As for making a personal comment, I'm really not sure how I can ask someone to consider not polluting a thread that I started which had nothing to do with the CC, without responding directly to him.

It is just incredibly frustrating that in a thread, which I started by the way and was intended simply to pass on helpful information, and that has absolutely nothing to do with the CC, someone can always manage to sneak in his or her petty grudge against that organisation.

Finally you say: "At least starspirit is predictable and honest." I have no intention of arguing with you but can you please explain that remark. Are you implying that I'm not honest?

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
starspirit - 2007-01-21 7:50 PM It took awhile but just like a big old trout Frank took the bait yet again!

Dear me! I do hope that Mel B gives you a ticking off for that personal and provocative comment. Or is it only me who isn't allowed to make them?

Can I also ask - from the comment above you give me the impression that you deliberately injected a provocative remark about the CC simply to goad me and to get a response? Is that the case and if it is, as Mel B writes above, do you think that this behaviour makes this forum a happier place?

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Guest starspirit

Thanks Mel - Just off for my £10 makeover now although I doubt it will be enough. Never mind a good wash and scrub up will be a good start but being such a mammoth job that alone will probably cost more than a tenner.


Can you think of any other kindly contributors who might donate to this very worthy cause.


One comes to mind but I can't mention his name as he might get upset!

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
starspirit - 2007-01-22 12:31 PM Absolutely Frank - I can hear all the chuckles at your comments from here!

You're really not a very nice person are you? I may like a good argument but I would never post simply to stir up discontent.

I start a thread which is purely designed to help others and tell them about this book, which you yourself take advantage of, but then decide to post a provocative post about your particular little bee in your bonnet.

 I'm just really glad that you're not in the CC as there is now no chance of meeting you as you argue about whether you can stay on the late arrivals' area at a cheap price.

Consider this my last word on the subject and to you I hope! Although I've no doubt that you'll get another little dig in.

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Guest starspirit

In spite of your nasty personal attacks I have no complaint against you Frank and I stand by all that I have said.


I see no need and have no intention of justifying or defending myself to the likes of you my friend.


All the other contributors and readers will be able to read your latest measured response and draw their own conclusions.



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I don't really know what to say to you! 8-) I'm getting quite exasperated with some of your comments and the way in which you react, not just to me but to many others. In my opinion, it seems that a lot of the time whatever anyone puts on the forum you take it that it is meant to hurt and defame, that there is some other meaning behind it, or you analyse it to death - personally that's what I find really spoils my enjoyment of the forum and most of the time when I see your name on a posting I think twice about reading your comments which is a shame as on some matters you're actually very informative and helpful which is great.:-(


My comment about Starspirit being "predictable and honest" was not meant to imply that you were not "honest", you decided to read that into the sentence. He said what he did - which was honest in my view - how many of us would do that? I'm not going to bother cluttering up this posting with any more comments other than to say that we are in the main trying to have a bit of fun as well as give views and help/advice and hopefully most people take it that way. 8-)


Update on the truck stop guide - I got an email back from them this morning saying ... "can we have your address please" - duh!!!!!!!!



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  • 1 year later...
michele - 2008-04-23 6:49 PM


I cannot for the life of me see where to order it from again HELPPPPPPPPPPP


i have mislaid ours someone remind me did it have france in it ?

I seem to remember seeing something a few months ago about the offer being closed. There is now an on-line guide Here.


Neither the book nor the on-line guide include France.



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Doesn't appear to be there now. I have just followed the link above and there is a tale about bats on the carriageway and 2 other stories but nowhere I can see about registering for a truckstop guide. So perhaps they have sussed you all out. :-S
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