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Pre-wiring on a factory ordered Hymer for solar panels?


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Hymer in the USA seem to offer quite advanced solar kits as an option. I have been unable to find any similar information on Hymer models in Europe. Has anyone any experience regarding the possibility of factory pre-wiring for a solar set-up or is everything after-market?
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If you are thinking of fitting Solar, you will probably also be thinking about a second battery? You will note that the 'second battery' option at 390€ includes an up-rated charging system to cope with the bigger battery bank, not just a second battery, but few Dealers add the second charger.

See : "Second habitation battery (95 Ah AGM) including additional 18A charger".


Suggest that if you opt for the 'factory' second battery, you ensure the Dealer demonstrates the second charger as we have seen less than a handful actually fitted. Most just had the second battery installed, but no charging system upgrade, which is important with a second AGM battery. Hymer specifiy it for a reason.




At 1470€ for 2 x 90 watt Solar panels, it is way more than a top quality aftermarket fitment.

Additionally the Solar regulator, whilst good, isn't amongst the best.

The problem is finding a Solar installer who understands and works with the Hymer electronics.



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Thanks aandncaravan. I have indeed ordered the 2nd battery with charger. I would have ordered the full power pack with 3 batteries and inverter, but is not possible in conjunction with alde heating. The price does seem rather high for the panels. My interest in factory fitting was an assumption that wiring would be neatly integrated.


Judging by your comment on the solar regulator, it seems you may have seen a factory installation? Any suggestions on an aftermarket installer that does know Hymer?

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curdle - 2018-05-09 12:14 AM


Thanks aandncaravan. I have indeed ordered the 2nd battery with charger.


Judging by your comment on the solar regulator, it seems you may have seen a factory installation? Any suggestions on an aftermarket installer that does know Hymer?



I honestly don't know how these 'factory' options work, because we have seen only two true factory fit Solar installs, which incidentally also had upgraded charging systems.

They were carried out to perfection, exactly as Schaudt, the electronics supplier, recommend.


The rest were clearly done by the Dealer. Some done very badly, we think sub contracted out to local installers more used to less sophisticated electronics.


One Motorhome that we saw was really poor so we suggested the owner went back to the Hymer Dealer. We were copied in on all the correspondence which showed that the Dealer didn't have a clue of the recommended Hymer/Schaudt installation process or equipment.

They had even fitted a poor performing Battery Master!!


While almost all the Dealer fitted set-ups 'worked', they could have been so much better, typically they would have harvested 30 - 50% more power if carried out as Hymer and Schaudt recommend.



I suspect that more 'factory' Solar and battery options are fitted by the Dealers than true factory installs.



Sorry I can't recommend anyone to fit Solar.




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I hear you! Communication has already broken between myself and the dealer, despite my order having been confirmed and deposit stage payment paid. The main reason? They seem completely clueless to the point where i glean more from UK forums such as this and translating German motorhome forums, than they can ever tell me. And what they do tell me is usually wrong. I have to say though that the Hymer information is light on actual detail making it very difficult to make an informed decision. Requesting specification detail on a Goldschmitt rear axle semi-air kit for example is an exercise in futility.


Hymer link Iglhaut to their website and my request that the vehicle be delivered for modification before delivery to the UK is met with blank refusal. I must apparently accept delivery in the UK and then drive to Germany for the modifications, despite the apparent links as a supplier. That being the case I shall contact Schaudt themselves, so thanks for that worthy mention!

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As you have already had issues you might well be forewarned on something we were told.

One Dealer technician once told us that where a second battery, and maybe other options like solar, are 'ticked' on an order, the Dealer orders the vehicle WITHOUT those items.


On arrival in the UK, the dealer then fits a second battery, etc themselves for half the cost and pockets the change.

As can be seen from the Hymer cost of 1400€ for two 90w solar panels, there could be quite a lot of 'change to pocket' by getting it done locally.


The technician we spoke to was specifically told by the 'after sales' team not to upgrade the charging systems as per factory spec, because 'it cost too much', just add a second battery.



We don't think this practise is unique to Continental built vehicle, that dealers of UK built motorhomes have been fitting 'factory' options for some time.



Obviously all hearsay, but does explain why we see so many 'factory fitted twinned batteries' without the charging upgrade/factory wiring harness, etc.




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