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Single persons touring group.

Dave Newell

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Hi guys, my turn to ask for help. A very good friend of mine and his wife took up motorhoming last year with a VW T4 camper. Now sadly he has died but his wife is going to keep the camper. I seem to remember there was/is a group of people in a similar situation, possibly a club. Does anyone know what I am talking about and can give me some details to pass on to her?


Thanks, D.

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Hi Dave, I looked in current MMM page 97. What about Good Companions Ralliers Association which might be for single persons. Also the Loners' Group. I guess some of the VW groups might also be a good bet. I knew a widow who continued very happily with the ASOC group after her husband died.


If you want any of these addresses let me know and I'll send them to you.

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Guest starspirit

There are three groups who specialise in single person camping and I think they all include any form of camping and caravanning.


They are Loners Group, New Companions and Pheonix and all have websites where you can find info and join if you wish.


As none of them is expensive I joined all three after my wife died in 2004 and I found them all to be fairly friendly although, as with most clubs, they can appear 'cliquey' when you first go.


Their rallies are all on CC (but no tents of course) and CCC sites and from my very limited experience the vast majority of members seem to be ladies who tow a tourer - not a critiscism more an observation I might add.


All the groups seem to have various daytime activities some days although most evenings seem to be spent in a bar drinking red wine.


Perhaps an over generalisation but you might get the picture.


It is not my scene so I let my memberships expire but that too is not a critiscism as I just don't do CC and CCC sites and groups.


However if you like the life I guess it could be fun.

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Guest starspirit



Sorry, but there do not seem to be any websites for these three after all - must be me age - but I found this info after a bit of delving somewhere where the sun don't shine.


The Loners Group email bamforthdavid@hotmail.com or phone Dave Bamforth on 01472 233089


The Phoenix Group email mikeapple2@aol.com or phone 01869 278345


New Companions write to June Lawrence 51 Copse Hill, Harlow, CM19 4PN.



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Thanks Richard, I want to present her with as much complete info as possible. She popped round to visit me this morning and revealed she also has lymphoma and is undergoing chemo. A few years ago she had breast cancer so she's been through, and still is going through a lot. Even his death wasn't a simple one, he fell down stairs last August and broke his neck, he's spent the last six months in hospital effectively paralysed from the neck down then he gets beaten by pneumonia.


Makes me feel very mortal.



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Guest starspirit

I am so sorry to hear of her trials and troubles.

Whilst I have been lucky with my own health so far I do know what it is like to lose a spouse and all I can say is that there is life after loss as long as one's attitude can survive.

Mine did and I'm the lucky one as I get to get a second chance at happiness and life, although there were (and still are nearly 3 years on) a few (but ever decreasing in number and depth) dark moments.

Please convey my heartfelt best wishes, if you feel it appropriate, and if she wants to talk then that too as a stranger perhaps I can do (with my new partners blessing).

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