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Irritating Forum Time Zone Setting?


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Does anyone else get irritated as well as confused by the date/time stamps applied to our postings?

I posted several times this morning and it's still not yet noon BST but according to the Forum software I posted them all just before midnight tonight, i.e. twelve hours or so into the future, New Zealand time?

I posted this one tomorrow morning!
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That's interesting and suggests that it is my computer, yet my Windows 10 system time is more or less correct at 1248 on 1st June as I post this now.

You're a clever chap Derek, what setting of mine can be wrong?
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I altered it to current BST and the times on all post showed correctly, yet when I went back to Forum  Control Panel it shows local time as some time tomorrow - but I didn't "save" it again, so the correct (previous) submission prevails.

Presumably the error arose when I last altered my profile and it saved this spurious default time zoning when I saved the change I intended to make.

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Well thanks for your help anyway; I've not previously encountered a time zone setting of this sort on a forum and one which has a default setting of New Zealand time is perhaps even more unusual - but you telling me that your view of the times was different at least told me that it had to be something at my end!


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