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Alternative fuels. Ditching Diesel.


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Hi all,

I just wanted to make sure that you are aware that in other markets there are alternatives to Diesel already available from Fiat or it's sister companies and i suspect that unless people keep asking for them; they may be a long time coming. I don't see that Fiat understand the long term nature of the investment that is a Motorhome!


The other products are....


In European markets you can buy a Fiat Ducato with a 3.0 engine that runs on petrol to start with and then switches over to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). This fuel has been offered here many times in the past, but the take-up was very low mainly because it really was not much good. We had gotten used to the huge amounts of torque that Diesel offers and changing our driving style was not on the cards.

There is a weight penalty because of the gas cylinders, even though the petrol tank is smaller than normal but it has been sold for many years and is proven. It was not offered in the UK when the X250 was launched in 2006 but this will change if there is sufficient demand, i am sure. This drivetrain is readily available in the Iveco Daily and has been for a couple of years. Iveco and Fiat are closely related firms in relation to the powertrain.


In the USA the RAM Promaster (Ducato in disguise) is supplied with a 3.6 V6 Petrol motor and a proper automatic transmission. It is less economical than a Diesel for sure, but not by as much as you may think. It has lots of torque and 280hp, so it does not hang around either. It could surely be converted to Right Hand Drive and make an impact over here?


Neither option will appear unless you keep asking for it!

Just saying....

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Picking up on Nick says about the 3.6 V6 petrol not being much less fuel efficient than Diesel, Mazda are set to launch a petrol version of the Mazda 3 which is claimed will better the fuel economy of this years Diesel version. It also has a massive 280 Nm of torque.



I know Diesel fuelling has several advantages, but If things continue at this pace of development, Diesel power/economy may not be missed as much as might be expected?,


Only downside is that this improvement in Petrol economy and power is obtained by quite sophisticated technology.


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Once the diesel witch hunt has reached it's logical conclusion, if not before, I can see petrol engines becoming the next target.


Yes, Volvo only engineering diesel out of car production in the near future. I think it will be some considerable time before alternative fuel technology is at the stage of making large truck propulsion commercially viable.

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The present problem with alternative fuels is the availabity of top up stations for long distance travel. I have used lpg and vegetable oil in the past and both are widely available and the engines can revert to petrol or diesel.

CNG, hydrogen, and electricity all have their place, but I wouldn't want to set off on holiday without planning the route to include stops, of which there are very few.

The Volvo reports were a bit premature-


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I have a sneaking suspicion that a light bulb moment will occur and someone will find a way to scrub exhaust gases effectively, then it will be back to hugging petrol and Diesel engines.


I also have a strong suspicion that there will not be enough electricity to go around once battery cars become suitably specified for distance, purchase cost and longevity in use.


Battery may answer a lot of problems but the results seem short term, as developments are too rapid for the average buyer to economically keep abreast of the technology.




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Even worse than few stops for electric vehicles to top up is the lack of availability of those that are theoretically available with spaces either in use, not a five minute job to top up, or blocked by fully charged or unauthorised vehicles so on that basis I too cannot get enthusiastic about an electric only car even though we don't do so many long trips now.

We have had petrol electric hybrids since 2010 and we like them a lot. Smooth, quiet and being Toyota/Lexus, totally reliable if nothing like as economical as the makers would have you believe, but then what is?

I believe that if you buy a new Nissan Leaf then Nissan or their dealers will lend you a conventional car if you need one for the occasional long haul and that has it's appeal.

However on balance we don't do enough miles to justify the theoretical fuel cost savings and I can't yet get to accept the faff of plugging the thing in whenever needed - especially when it's cold and wet outside!

One day maybe, never say never!

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I read recently that one of the ways petrol engines are being made more efficient is by increasing the compression ratio which, the article said, would produce NOx levels similar to those currently emitted by diesels.


There's only one way to go if you want torque - steam.


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aandy - 2018-06-12 7:05 PM


...............There's only one way to go if you want torque - steam.



Yes a steam engine can produce torque at zero revs, something that an internal combustion engine just cannot do.


But then, how are you going to produce the steam?



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Hi, what will happen to those oil rich countries, once we all go and get rid of fossil fuel derivatives what about the car and truck manufacturers having to shut up shop cos no one can use any of their products.

What about aerplanes jet engines, will all planes be grounded, and we all go back to horse and cart days..


Or will we poison the atmosphere so much that we will all be killed off , so wont need cars, motorhomes etc


Thank good ness I wont be around in 50 years time to say, I told you so..





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