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Been to France?

Guest Simon B

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Simon, went across twice last year.Because of where we live we find Portsmouth to le Havre the most convienent.Always used to use p&o but since they packed up this route we used l&d line.Cost £230 out end of May back early July 7metre van.Good prices but a long drawn out loading process(we were told this was because brittany ferries got preference).We were heading for the Bay of Roses so le Harve suited us fine.

In sept we used AT ferries to Bilbao,good price again £220 which included a cabin. The food was terrible so we prepared our own for the return journey.If using this crossing be prepared for a rough crossing as the weather can be so unpredictable.We were heading for Santillana and St Vincent de la Barquera so this was the ideal crossing

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Always used P&O Dover to Calais, which has been cheap when booked with Select sites, but this year I'm trying Hull-Zebrugge which I have booked via the CC. As I live up north it will save time travelling to Dover, and hopefully give us a good nights sleep ready to start bright and early for the run down to Spain. Here's hoping anyway!!
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Last year we used Dover for the first time, Norkolkline to Dunkerque. Drove down overnight so didn't have too much trouble with traffic levels - just lots of roadworks and diversions. The weather was dreadful and the ferries were running about two hours late. Coming back - travelled very early morning and so again missed the worst of the traffic. Still won't be doing it again though! We'd much rather drive over there. Ferry was cheap n cheerful, and full of exP&O staff!

Also did return trip Portsmouth <> Bilbao, thoroughly enjoyed it - upgraded to Club Class with free breakfast and spent much of our time in the observation lounge or out on deck. Enjoyed the trip and like the arrival and departure times - very civilised.

Have previously done Portsmouth > Bilbao and return Zeebrugge > Hull. again using Club Class upgrade, the P&O North Sea ferries used to do a good Indonesian buffet but seemed to have replaced it with general 'asian' food, ie rice and indifferent curries. oh well.

Used to go from Portsmouth - to Le Havre, Caen, Cherbourg but the traffic along the A34 Oxford and the Newbury bypass to Portsmouth is getting dreadful!

Will be reverting to the Hull route in future, and pay with Tesco Clubcard Deal vouchers.


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Used Norfolk line Dover/ Dunkerque September 06 travelling to Northern Germany.

Used this ferry on price much cheaper than P&O and Tunnel.

Liked booking on line web site,New boats in service. boarding no problem pleasant voyage. didnt eat coffee ok.

Disliked the longer crossing time wife not a good sailor,although Dunkerque port better for destination chosen. couldnt find port lack of signs on return.

Overnight parking was aweful full of HGV`s over 200 poor parking surface reminded me of a moto cross circuit and a building site. although it does quieten down about 2am thats if you dont park near to a refrigeration HGV.

Tunnel this year Tesco voucher promotion 35 minutes although cost is high without vouchers. destination Brittany.



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We usually use P&O partly because we have Concesionary Units which entitle us to half price fares but check Caravan Club and Camping and Caravanning Club prices as well. We have an AutoTrail, 6.8m long and 3.0m high. Our May 2007 sailing is at 2.10 and we come back on 4 July at 9.55. P&O direct fare is £55.75 paid on 3 December. Also booked for 4 October 2.10 returning on 18 October at 19.45. Booked on 20 January, P&O price £128, Caravan Club £56.43 and Camping and Caravanning Club £59.

In 2006 went on 8 June at 2.10 and returned on 7 July at 20.45 cost with P&O direct £74. Also went on 17 Oct at 2.30 and came back on 25 October at 21.55 cost with P&O direct £56. The early morning ferries are usually very quiet, limited catering, plenty of space on the vehicle decks and in the lounges. The evening returns have usually been busier but plenty of space on the vehicle decks and in lounges with more choice of food. Staff usually quite good although on June 8 2006 the lounges were quite scruffy, table had not been cleaned and staff were a bit grumpy. It is interesting to see how prices have tumbled in 2003 the first time we went it cost £212, in 2004, £174 and in 2005 £106. Usually we aim for the correct time sailing going out and make up any spare time by stopping at Maidstone Services on the M20, where there is dedicated parking. Coming back we usually arrive early and ask if we can go earlier and apart from once they have always obliged and with no extra cost. Did have one very rough crossing on 7 July 2004 when our return ferry was docked in Calais by one tug with a tow rope and another pushing, so we were rather worried and although the sea was all white tops the ferry only rolled slightly. At Dover we had to wait 30 minutes to dock and were pushed in by a tug but nothing moved on the decks and we disembarked safely. P&O did say that they wouldnt sail if it was dangerous! Very pleased with service and delighted with current prices.

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spartan3956 - 2007-01-23 11:04 PM


Used Norfolk line Dover/ Dunkerque September 06 travelling to Northern Germany.

Overnight parking was aweful full of HGV`s over 200 poor parking surface reminded me of a moto cross circuit and a building site. although it does quieten down about 2am thats if you dont park near to a refrigeration HGV.


When we park at Norfolklines in Dunkerque we use the large tarmac carpark in front of the office/café. I've never seen a lorry in there. Before we first used NL I phoned them and that's where they told us they let MHs park overnight.



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We always go over on a late evening sailing and overnight on the Calais port car park. The advantages are that the run to Dover at this time is less congested and you save an hour the next morning on GMT. Actually, its more like two hours if you take into account the time you have to report early for your sailing.


Thanks for the update that P&O are becomming less flexible Pejay. For years we have used P&O simply because of their laid back attitude to sailing times. In the past we have turned up, weeks out from our sailing date let alone time, and they have always put us on the next boat with space and without charge. However, when we came back in September the did make an 'administration charge' of £10 which we thought was fair enough. But £57? I think that unreasonable unless it was a long haul journey. Are they trying to lose customers?

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Guest Simon B

Hi Tony


There are quite a few firms offering trips where they book your ferry and sites - so all you have to do is drive the 'van. Some of them sound pretty good.

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Seriously then - yes, our very first campervan trip to France was booked that way, in (I think) 1988, with Eurocamp Independent. We did it that way because we were new to the whole thing, and had two young children. Eurocamp provided excellent service, but it's not somehting we've needed since, and I've no idea who does that kind of thing now, or how good any of them are.
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Simon B - 2007-01-26 2:45 PM Anyone tried all-inclusive trips? What do you think of them? Simon

Unless you're going July - mid August, especially if you're going to the coast, don't bother.

Most French sites will have pitches available at other times of the year, apart perhaps for sites near attractions - say near Parc Asterix etc at French school holiday times.

The drawback with the all in packages, is that you are booked on/have prepaid a site, and if you don't like it or the locality, you're trapped.

If you can book just a coouple of non-consecutive nights, say the first and last nights, to be sure of getting to/from ferries they can be good, but not all have this flexibility.

Otherwise just go where you want, and drive up to sites when you want.  It is unusual, outside the main summer school holidays, not to be able to get in.

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Simon - all inc may be OK, but will always use the 'cheapest route' UK- France, so no good unless that is also your won prefrred route - ie from Cornwall, Dover is no benefit.

Also it removes the ability to choose tour own cestinations as you go along, although may have some benfit for 'first timers' or those who preferred everthing organised for them.

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