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National ID card or passport?

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When you leave to the continent by ferry or chunnel, or airplane wich documents are obligatory? And which parameters you use to book on line the passing? Some members in our club facing 8 weeks to revalidate the above. Or pay large money for a speedy exercise, The uk is very strict for non uk entrance, as allways will be in the past. I had to solve it before 7-8-2018 departure by ferry and chunnel. Please advise on the documents.
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The UK Government site confirms the above, EU citizens may enter on their identity cards. When booking the Tunnel from the UK full passport details have to be given so presumably these are checked against actual passports at check in.


Just checked Eurotunnel website and an identity card is acceptable.

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A couple of years ago I Googled COST OF FRENCH IDENTITY CARD .... I think it was about €20. A lot cheaper than a UK passport.


Personally, I would have no objection to having a UK Identity Card, provided it fitted into my wallet, didn't cost an arm and a leg, and was primarily for MY benefit (eg: I don't HAVE to carry it).


Instead, HMG wanted an all singing, all dancing, hi-tec identity card that would entitle me to wander round Fort Knox on Sunday aftrernoons. A great idea! How much woulkd it have cost, just so I could nip over to France for a cup of coffee on the pavement or whatever.



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A national passport is about 200 euro. And wiil provided by your local Loket. it is an impressive book of some pages where Visas can be noted. It act also for identity. if you are a resident in the eu and have a registration, only the country of origin can provide renewal. It can take 6 weeks providing of the exclusive outlets for it. A short procedure in a emergency is difficult, compared to the national, A one day is possible of about 500 euro extra for nationals, not residents or strangers. Take a good note of this, and keep them in your wallet allways to prove you id. I am of belgium origin, but my partner dutch and liked his documents being dutch. Thank you for the response above. Be also aware that he has a credit- card E- card being a resident in belgium which will be given staying longer than 5 years. Paying taxes there. Take care of regs in different countries about double tax pay.Cheers and hope we we will win from brazil this evening.
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