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Morrissey Cancels UK Gigs


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Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 11:06 PM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 9:13 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 8:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 6:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 2:33 PM


pelmetman - 2018-07-01 10:22 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 9:08 AM


What makes you think I am a lefty? Well I suppose just about everybody bar (maybe) Adolf is "left" of you two.


Seeing as you cant bring yourself to vote Tory ;-) ........


Then you've only got the choice of lefty liberals ........Or loony lefty Labour at the next election :D ........



If we the politically disenfranchised are forced into voting for the lesser of two evils it still doesnt make one a loony lefty. Corbyn would get my vote if he started listening to his party members and became the anti Brexit party but right now I just wouldnt vote for any of them.


Listen to his MPs or those who vote Labour outside London ??? ... Your a wet lefty Barry ... Your originally a Tory who now blames the Tories for all your ills ... You be gotta have someone to blame I suppose ... You'd rather vote for a terrorist loving anti-Semite than those you reckon caved your world in ... Crazy


Ills? Caved your world in? Do you know something I Dont? 8-)


I dont blame the Tory's or Labour for that matter for anything thats happened in my life. Ive had a fecking brilliant life thanks. I dont make anywhere near the kind of money I used to but who cares? Im semi retired anyway.


I dont like what the Tory Party has become, I think Brexit is a total disaster and the hard right Tories will just use it to deregulate everything in their path but it will be the people who voted for it that will suffer not me so much. I can never forgive them for that, not ever. It will crush the region I used to live in (The North East) and I remember what that was like last time.


As you are often fond of telling me, I live in a small idyllic whites only village. The country can go to hell in a hand cart but it will effect us the least here I suspect and if there is no food we will just kill ours, I need to lose some weight anyway.


You certainly do a ruddy good impression of someone who blames the Tories for everything and what have the Tories become that they weren't when you supported em ??? Why are you blaming the Tories for Brexit when it was those who sodding voted for it that wanted us out ??? As for living in the North East last time whatever the last time was so what who gives a crap ... Ive lived through crap times here in the pits and live full time with your much loved mass immigration ... Move here


I blame them because it was the far right ToryKippers that forced Camerons hand into holding a public referendum on Brexit urged on by their super rich masters and media moguls. I Dont so much blame the people who voted out, I actually feel sorry for a lot of them. Depressed and desperate man on Teesside who maybe think lifes dealt him a sh1tty hand, Man down the pub Farage comes along and promises them this golden future while Etonian establishment toff Cameron says he knows whats best and he should vote remain for more of the same, whats he gonna do? Of course he's going to vote leave. Thats whats unforgivable because these poor sods will be the first to suffer and the last to recover. They always are.


You just have to listen to Heseltine or Ken Clarke to realise how much the Tories have changed. Just look at them FFS! Boris, Reek Smug, Gove, Fox OMG! Are these really people you want to support and shape our country? The only peoples interests they have at heart are their own and whoever is pulling their strings.


I Cant say I am a fan of Labour right now either or Corbyn to be honest but at least he seems to care about the people. This lot dont, at all. To be fair the Jury is still out for me on Theresa. I think she is better than people give her credit for.



You'd blame anyone wether far right , far left , far away who gave the public the vote and the result thats eaten at ya for the last 2 years ... You see their you go again your poor Teeside man line is so patronising and insinuates poor Teeside man didn't and still doesnt know what he was doing because he was conned by that nasty rogue Farage but super informed Barry knows all ... The Tories haven't changed either they've always been split on Europe and a party of money men its Labour thats changed into a far left anti-Semitic riddled party but for you if Corbyn changed his Europe stance you'd be quite happy to vote for him wouldnt ya ... Do I want Boris , Rees Mogg , Gove and Fox to shape our country ??? Damn right I do much rather them than Merkel , Barnier , Macron , Juncker etc etc who'd be your choice

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antony1969 - 2018-07-01 6:50 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-07-01 12:06 PM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 8:54 AM


pelmetman - 2018-06-30 10:35 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-06-30 3:40 PM


Mozzer is a screaming Kipper right wing nut job! The man who sang "meat is murder" and pranced about with a daffodil down his pants! Who knew?


Lock him up!!'


Who knew you and Bullet were rabid lefties???? 8-) .........


The Brexit washing machine is obviously bringing the soft in the head soapy lot to the surface :D ........



Barry prefers hard line Socialist singers like Billy Bragg ... A man whose made a career from singing and telling the rest of us about the joys of Socialism from his £2 million pound Dorset coastal home and pocketing millions from his music ... How very bang on ...

Uff........that's cheap for Dorset and as for "pocketing millions from his music".


Morrisey net worth;




How very 'bang on' eh?


Billy Bragg net worth;




Princess Morrissey doesn't preach about socialist ideals unlike your boyfriend ...

Didn't know he had a sex change. Only 'Morrissey' i knew was a bloke who fronted The Smiths. Never my cup o' tea musically though.

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antony1969 - 2018-07-01 9:13 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 8:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 6:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 2:33 PM


pelmetman - 2018-07-01 10:22 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 9:08 AM


What makes you think I am a lefty? Well I suppose just about everybody bar (maybe) Adolf is "left" of you two.


Seeing as you cant bring yourself to vote Tory ;-) ........


Then you've only got the choice of lefty liberals ........Or loony lefty Labour at the next election :D ........



If we the politically disenfranchised are forced into voting for the lesser of two evils it still doesnt make one a loony lefty. Corbyn would get my vote if he started listening to his party members and became the anti Brexit party but right now I just wouldnt vote for any of them.


Listen to his MPs or those who vote Labour outside London ??? ... Your a wet lefty Barry ... Your originally a Tory who now blames the Tories for all your ills ... You be gotta have someone to blame I suppose ... You'd rather vote for a terrorist loving anti-Semite than those you reckon caved your world in ... Crazy


Ills? Caved your world in? Do you know something I Dont? 8-)


I dont blame the Tory's or Labour for that matter for anything thats happened in my life. Ive had a fecking brilliant life thanks. I dont make anywhere near the kind of money I used to but who cares? Im semi retired anyway.


I dont like what the Tory Party has become, I think Brexit is a total disaster and the hard right Tories will just use it to deregulate everything in their path but it will be the people who voted for it that will suffer not me so much. I can never forgive them for that, not ever. It will crush the region I used to live in (The North East) and I remember what that was like last time.


As you are often fond of telling me, I live in a small idyllic whites only village. The country can go to hell in a hand cart but it will effect us the least here I suspect and if there is no food we will just kill ours, I need to lose some weight anyway.


As for living in the North East last time whatever the last time was so what who gives a crap ... Ive lived through crap times here in the pits and live full time with your much loved mass immigration ... Move here.

He's already in Gods Country. With the moors and dales on your doorstep i'm surprised you don't get out more. I have the Peak District though need to drive through three towns to get there and over weekends in summer it get's rammed. As teenagers a group of us used to cycle around it staying at various Youth Hostels.

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Bulletguy - 2018-07-02 10:58 AM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 9:13 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 8:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 6:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 2:33 PM


pelmetman - 2018-07-01 10:22 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 9:08 AM


What makes you think I am a lefty? Well I suppose just about everybody bar (maybe) Adolf is "left" of you two.


Seeing as you cant bring yourself to vote Tory ;-) ........


Then you've only got the choice of lefty liberals ........Or loony lefty Labour at the next election :D ........



If we the politically disenfranchised are forced into voting for the lesser of two evils it still doesnt make one a loony lefty. Corbyn would get my vote if he started listening to his party members and became the anti Brexit party but right now I just wouldnt vote for any of them.


Listen to his MPs or those who vote Labour outside London ??? ... Your a wet lefty Barry ... Your originally a Tory who now blames the Tories for all your ills ... You be gotta have someone to blame I suppose ... You'd rather vote for a terrorist loving anti-Semite than those you reckon caved your world in ... Crazy


Ills? Caved your world in? Do you know something I Dont? 8-)


I dont blame the Tory's or Labour for that matter for anything thats happened in my life. Ive had a fecking brilliant life thanks. I dont make anywhere near the kind of money I used to but who cares? Im semi retired anyway.


I dont like what the Tory Party has become, I think Brexit is a total disaster and the hard right Tories will just use it to deregulate everything in their path but it will be the people who voted for it that will suffer not me so much. I can never forgive them for that, not ever. It will crush the region I used to live in (The North East) and I remember what that was like last time.


As you are often fond of telling me, I live in a small idyllic whites only village. The country can go to hell in a hand cart but it will effect us the least here I suspect and if there is no food we will just kill ours, I need to lose some weight anyway.


As for living in the North East last time whatever the last time was so what who gives a crap ... Ive lived through crap times here in the pits and live full time with your much loved mass immigration ... Move here.

He's already in Gods Country. With the moors and dales on your doorstep i'm surprised you don't get out more. I have the Peak District though need to drive through three towns to get there and over weekends in summer it get's rammed. As teenagers a group of us used to cycle around it staying at various Youth Hostels.


More of a coastal type of person thanks ... East Coast for armed forces weekend just gone ... Southport couple weekends before ... Next weekend a detour to Skegness for 2 days to see someone before we head to the sh6thole that is London for 5 nights and a concert ... Oh forgot we had night in a hotel in Doncaster 2 weeks ago to see OMD , 5 weeks ago a hotel night after going to see The Beat and The Selector in Leeds ... Now unlike you who's retired and really doesn't get out much other than his yearly summer solo vacation for someone who's still working I don't think we do so bad ... Unlike you I have never felt the need to tell all where I am or where I'm going but if you insist I can tell you where else we've been this year and what else we have booked Princess xx

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Bulletguy - 2018-07-02 10:47 AM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 6:50 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-07-01 12:06 PM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 8:54 AM


pelmetman - 2018-06-30 10:35 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-06-30 3:40 PM


Mozzer is a screaming Kipper right wing nut job! The man who sang "meat is murder" and pranced about with a daffodil down his pants! Who knew?


Lock him up!!'


Who knew you and Bullet were rabid lefties???? 8-) .........


The Brexit washing machine is obviously bringing the soft in the head soapy lot to the surface :D ........



Barry prefers hard line Socialist singers like Billy Bragg ... A man whose made a career from singing and telling the rest of us about the joys of Socialism from his £2 million pound Dorset coastal home and pocketing millions from his music ... How very bang on ...

Uff........that's cheap for Dorset and as for "pocketing millions from his music".


Morrisey net worth;




How very 'bang on' eh?


Billy Bragg net worth;




Princess Morrissey doesn't preach about socialist ideals unlike your boyfriend ...

Didn't know he had a sex change. Only 'Morrissey' i knew was a bloke who fronted The Smiths. Never my cup o' tea musically though.


Even after a sex change he's still Prolly more of a man than you'll ever be and Prolly more of a woman than you've ever had either ... Princess xx

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antony1969 - 2018-07-02 12:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-07-02 10:58 AM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 9:13 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 8:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-07-01 6:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 2:33 PM


pelmetman - 2018-07-01 10:22 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-07-01 9:08 AM


What makes you think I am a lefty? Well I suppose just about everybody bar (maybe) Adolf is "left" of you two.


Seeing as you cant bring yourself to vote Tory ;-) ........


Then you've only got the choice of lefty liberals ........Or loony lefty Labour at the next election :D ........



If we the politically disenfranchised are forced into voting for the lesser of two evils it still doesnt make one a loony lefty. Corbyn would get my vote if he started listening to his party members and became the anti Brexit party but right now I just wouldnt vote for any of them.


Listen to his MPs or those who vote Labour outside London ??? ... Your a wet lefty Barry ... Your originally a Tory who now blames the Tories for all your ills ... You be gotta have someone to blame I suppose ... You'd rather vote for a terrorist loving anti-Semite than those you reckon caved your world in ... Crazy


Ills? Caved your world in? Do you know something I Dont? 8-)


I dont blame the Tory's or Labour for that matter for anything thats happened in my life. Ive had a fecking brilliant life thanks. I dont make anywhere near the kind of money I used to but who cares? Im semi retired anyway.


I dont like what the Tory Party has become, I think Brexit is a total disaster and the hard right Tories will just use it to deregulate everything in their path but it will be the people who voted for it that will suffer not me so much. I can never forgive them for that, not ever. It will crush the region I used to live in (The North East) and I remember what that was like last time.


As you are often fond of telling me, I live in a small idyllic whites only village. The country can go to hell in a hand cart but it will effect us the least here I suspect and if there is no food we will just kill ours, I need to lose some weight anyway.


As for living in the North East last time whatever the last time was so what who gives a crap ... Ive lived through crap times here in the pits and live full time with your much loved mass immigration ... Move here.

He's already in Gods Country. With the moors and dales on your doorstep i'm surprised you don't get out more. I have the Peak District though need to drive through three towns to get there and over weekends in summer it get's rammed. As teenagers a group of us used to cycle around it staying at various Youth Hostels.


More of a coastal type of person thanks ...

Bridlington harbour is nice (not town) but wasn't impressed by Scarborough. Just can't beat the open roads over the moors and dales for me and i imagine many to be a bikers dream.



antony1969 - 2018-07-02 12:17 PM


Princess Morrissey doesn't preach about socialist ideals unlike your boyfriend ...

Bulletguy - 2018-07-02 10:47 AM


Didn't know he had a sex change. Only 'Morrissey' i knew was a bloke who fronted The Smiths. Never my cup o' tea musically though.

antony1969 - 2018-07-02 12:17 PM

Even after a sex change he's still Prolly more of a man than you'll ever be and Prolly more of a woman than you've ever had either ..

I don't bend that way but obviously that's what floats yer boat snowflake. Seems confused about his sexuality.


Describes your love flame as 'pest' he would 'kill for the sake of humanity'. Surprised you're feeling the lurrrve for him......maybe not so much now. (lol)



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Guest pelmetman

On Brexit:


“As for Brexit, the result was magnificent, but it is not accepted by the BBC or Sky News because they object to a public that cannot be hypnotised by BBC or Sky nonsense.”


On Nigel Farage:


“I nearly voted for Ukip. I like Nigel Farage a great deal.”


Read more at: https://inews.co.uk/culture/morrisseys-most-controversial-quotes/


Just goes to show ranting veggies aren't all bad :D .........



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