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Importing a van from Germany to France.


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We've had a rum year, what with the death of sweet old Archie, my son getting married, and CG in the process of being diagnosed with a degenerative immune disease. My 80th birthday didn't do all that much to relieve the gloom either, but whilst we are waiting for final reports on CG's problems it's time to start thinking about what we do next. We've made a start, 11 days ago we took in an abandoned dog from the local refuge and she's gorgeous. A cross bred Ariegoise hunting dog with amazing good looks and a fabulous, gentle nature. She's 3 or 4 years old, seriously and classically good looking and a total tealeaf, her collection currently stands at 4 assorted trainers, one Croc, a pair of sports socks, a large and heavy stuffed cat door stop, a 1 metre long stuffed draught excluder, 1 walking boot , a spare cover for the gazebo, and a 5 metre square plastic sheet. She doesn't chew them up, she just spreads them around the garden. We are besotted and we call her Bella..

However this is a serious motorhoming forum so I will get to the point. We sold the Pilote last year because we didn't use it, and we thought we might be better served with a caravan. CG's diagnosis has caused us to rethink what the future might hold for us, and I am starting to think that what is left of the "good years" should be spent doing things and building up good times for us to remember. To this end I have been looking at slightly smaller motorhomes, so I started to look on sites called Autoscout 24 and Leboncoin. I have looked at a number of vans for sale in Germany which seem far too cheap, for example a 2008 Globecar for under 10K euro, apparently in good nick and kosher.

I wondered if any of my knowledgeable friends on this forum have any experience in this field, and also if anyone has imported a used van into France from Germany.

Your help will be appreciated.


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Be very careful, there are scammers out there supposedly from Germany, our Daughter who lives in the Charente, got caught out a couple of years ago by them. They give very good details of where they are based and this can be verified but in truth its false. I would advise that if you see one that you are seriously interested in then make arrangements to go to view it personally and see all documentation, don't let a third party do it for you as my Daughter did. We lived in France for 14 years and used LeBonCoin which is very good.
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