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Oven door catch failed.


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Our oven door catch is, quite frankly, knackered.


The door itself has two holes for the female part of the catch to go in and the frame has one male part.


Clearly the male part screws into something that's behind the panel and I need one of those. The question is how do I get behind the panel? Do I remove the whole oven (if so how), slide it out and then get behind it or do I get in from the front?


There are a million screws and I want to make sure that I am not removing the wrong ones so if anyone could help me, then I would be grateful.


The door's female catch area looks horrible and I guess that is where I clip the part into. If I had to replace the oven door, then how tricky a task is this? Again, is it a case of removing the whole oven and then unscrewing the door and hinge somehow, or is it something else?


The make of oven? It's a four letter name, I believe, and starts with SME and I have no idea what the last letter(s) is/are.


Can anyone offer any assistance/suggestions?





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If it starts SME the chances are it's a SMEV oven. If you have a van handbook that should tell you which model, failing which a Google search should turn up some pictures to help explain where it all goes and info on spare parts.
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Just a thought - it might not have broken - maybe it's just got out of alignment and fallen off?


It happened to us many years ago but, sorry I can't remember how I took it apart and fixed it, or even if it was a Smev oven!!

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Depends on the van but you may well need to disconnect the gas to get the oven out and that can be tricky, on the other hand there may be enough free movement in the gas pipe to wriggle it about enough to get at the door catch - sorry I can't remember.

It's not difficult but can be time consuming as access can be excruciatingly obstructive - and do please tell me that you are familiar with reconnecting a gas supply so it does not leak?

Some ovens are held in by bolts or screws through the feet which can be a challenge to get at, and some by screws through the vertical front surround which are very easy to get at - if yer lucky!

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