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The Red Guide: Safefill (& others?)


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I picked this up from another forum (or rather a mention of it)




..in it, it says, QUOTE-


“We are delighted that, at the recent

meeting of the Petroleum Equipment LiaisonGroup (PELG), there was a unanimous

agreement to permit the refilling of LPG cylinders, which are designed to be refilled,

from Autogas dispensers.”


I'm not sure if this is already public knowledge, as I can't say that I've seen mention of it before...?


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Oddly enough, morrisons was mentioned in connection with the safefill link above.

It was claimed by someone that they will now allow the refilling of proper refillables....


I've no idea how much truth is in it though...or if this instruction has filtered down to all of their attendants

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Safefill have had a problem since their introduction in that lpg stations are very wary of directly filling cylinders. This is a press release by Safefill where they "look forward" to lpg retailers accepting their product. It remains to be seen if attitudes change.
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This CMC February 2018 discussion mentions Safefill and the ‘Red Guide’




The Red Guide and the “User Information Sheet 26” referred to on the PRA webpage are guidance documents. Presumably revised advice on forecourt-refilling of portable LPG containers would relate to any container designed to be user-refilled (ie. “...portable cylinders SUCH AS Safefill...”) but it would be necessary to read the relevant documents to confirm this and to know how such a container is to be identified (eg. MTH LPG containers were sold for user-refilling but the bottles themselves have no ’safety valves’). Certainly the 2016 version of User Information Sheet 26 would require significant revisions to be made.




As the Red Guide and User Information Sheet 26 are for guidance and the revisions mentioned relax historic advice, there’s no compelling reason for LPG retailers to alter their present practice. If a retailer currently permits forecourt-refilling of a Safefill (or alternative) bottle, they can continue to do so and, if a retailer currently forbids forecourt bottle-refilling, why should that change?


It’s definitely the case that prohibiting forecourt bottle-refilling is an inherently safer philosophy than permitting it and it’s doubtful that changing from ‘prohibit’ to ‘permit’ would result in a huge hike in profitability for an LPG retailer. And, of course, guidance in the Red Guide and User Information Sheet 26 will have no influence outside the UK.

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