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Truma ultraheat not working.


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Hi all, on one of the hottest days of the year I had a habitation service done, only one problem showed up and that was the truma ultra heat was not working on mains 240.service man traced it to the pcb board. But my wife came up with a different explanation for the problem, is it possible that it is to hot for the thermostat to let the system to work? I am not sure but any thoughts on this please before I replace it or try to get it reconditioned. Cheers Tringy.
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Can’t argue with your wife’s hypothesis...


I’ve no hands-on experience of Truma’s “Ultraheat”, but I believe (based on Truma’s on-line documentation) that the control-panel used has a green indicator lamp to indicate that Ultraheat is operating.


So, if that lamp does not illuminate when you switch on Ultraheat, the service man’s diagnosis that there’s a pcb fault seems reasonable. Conversely, if the green lamp does illuminate, your wife’s ‘It’s just too hot’ idea becomes attractive.


If the control-panel’s green lamp illuminates, the logical thing to do would be to wait until the weather becomes cooler and see if heating then takes place. For now, you could try cooling the thermostat by, say, holding a bag of frozen peas against it to see if that provoked heating when the control knob was turned to its maximum setting.

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Thanks for your reply Derek, yes the green light is on and with this system it has three settings for heat 500 1000and 2000 w within the thermostat, at each stage I can hear the relays click so I am not sure what is going on. I will try to cool down the thermostat and see what happens. Kind regards. Tringy
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