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Airbags on old vehicles


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My van is 15 years old an I think I read somewhere that the projected lifespan of an airbag is around 12?

Many of us will be driving older vans still. Any thoughts of servicing or replacement? I suppose it’s theoretically possible at a cost but Fiat are not renowned for keeping extensive stocks of parts for older vehicles, and what there is remaining is getting expensive . Has anyone heard of this being done?

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Derek Uzzell - 2018-07-30 9:08 AM


In this case, if it ain't broke, don't try to fix fix it.

Derek, I quite agree, but I was curious, and to be honest, I suspect that any cost would probably be more than the van’s worth!

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I'd ask Fiat if I was in doubt. Too late when you are about to hit that lorry that has just pulled out in front of you on a foggy morning. I guess the cost of replacing, and all the other related gubbins, will be over a thousand pounds but the cost of accidentally dying is about £1.5m.


There is plenty of web comment saying that airbags have been proved to last longer than expected and you should not need to replace them. I'm always wary when someone says "should".


If it was just my airbag, I would leave well alone and ensure I drive carefully. There was a risk management book written in the 90s said that to reduce road deaths, airbags should be replaced with a sharp blade. Apparently, drivers would think twice if instant death resulted from much more than a gentle bump.


If it was my wife's seatbelt, I'm not so sure. The reason I changed our last van was to gain an airbag for the passenger.


Searching the web will give you names of firms claiming to repair airbags. Finding one to trust takes you back to your question as to whether anyone has had it done.


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