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Crit air problem


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Billggski - 2018-08-10 4:18 PM


You don't need it, the calculation is done on date of registration. Lots of threads about it on the forum.

Photo of P. 2 of your V5 reduced to 400k gives all the information they need.

€4 and you'll get notification the next day.



If I had a penny... :D

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Derek Uzzell - 2018-08-10 6:56 PM


A forum SEARCH should have produced several relevant results




Perhaps you did not select “All posts” as the Date limit...



Just done another search and more posts came up but some near the top I knew weren’t relevant so didn’t go further down the list. Eg I knew that the “interesting petitions” thread had nothing relevant but it was near the top of the list.

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Not sure what your forum SEARCH criteria were that caused the “Interesting petitions” discussion to be retrieved - it does not appear among the entries listed on the link I provided above.


The forum’s SEARCH facility is no GOOGLE and, even when it’s used as carefully as possible, the results may be hit or miss. It’s also the case in this particular instance that (well meaning) advice about the French emissions-sticker system in some earlier forum threads will be incorrect and/or misleading.


If the procedure below is followed exactly by a UK motorcaravanner, obtaining the appropriate Crit’Air sticker for his/her vehicle should be straightforward and problem-free.


"When applying for a Crit’Air sticker for a UK-registered motor caravan and filling in the on-line form, do the following:


1: Irrespective of the motor caravan's weight, always choose the “Private cars” option for the "Vehicle category [Champ J**]” box.


2: Always choose the “No indication of the environmental category” option for the “Indication of the environmental category [Champ V.9**]” box.


3: If the motor caravan's V5C does have a CO2 (g/km) figure in its Field V.7, enter that figure in the "CO2(in g/km) [Champ V.7**]” box. Otherwise leave that box empty.


Upload a copy of the 2nd page of the motor caravan’s V5C registration certificate - that’s the page with “UK Registration Certificate” in blue in the top-left corner."

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Expect some more problems. On 1st sept. the new gold standard european emissions for vehicles will be published which could easily change the category of your vehicle. Different mpg readings etc.resulting in many cars/vehicles not reaching acceptable standards as published by the manufacturers. Re-classifying of emissions could put different vehicles in different categories for V.E.D for instance. This in turn could mean people having the wrong class of grit air cert. Reports say some vehicles will be taken off sale.



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tonyishuk - 2018-08-11 12:53 PM


VW emissions.


Pause for thought ?





The new standards are probably 'inspired' by VW, but maybe not how you would expect. In the real world VW have some of the lowest emissions, but for some reason they needed the cheat to pass the test, yet something like the Nissan Qashqai easily passes the test but is a bad polluter in the real world.

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