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CMC petition update


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The Aire issue is a distraction with emotional overtones. It often happens when labels are stuck on things and those labels have negative connotations to others - just think how much disgust is generated from referring to the CMC!


If we pursue a Tracker-like route of exploring how the CMC and/or local authorities can provide facilities that allow a nomadic leisure lifestyle so do not require registration on arrival, or form filling, has no language issues, no faffing about finding a pitch but has a drive straight in whenever you want to stop, park up, pay at the machine approach, with basic facilities, then we might make some progress. No need to mention motorhomes or caravans, toilet blocks, EHU, legislative compliance at this stage. These new pitches can be open to all CMC members with local authorities providing something similar for members and non members.


Perhaps such an approach would have avoided the 700+ posts on the CMC forum. Without taking the sting out of the caravan vs motorhome debate, the CMC is going to find it very difficult to find a way forward. Making the concept inclusive, and adopting a less confrontational approach, the CMC may stand a chance to have something in place for the 2021 season.

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Tracker - 2018-08-20 12:30 PM


The aspect we liked most was the freedom not to stop until we were ready and many aires we used we did not know we were going to stop at until an hour - or less - before we arrived which for us and our style of travel meandering about and exploring an area it was ideal.

No registration on arrival, no form filling, no language issues, no faffing about finding a pitch - just drive straight in, park up, kettle on, pay at the machine if needs be - simples.

Everyone camps differently and I understand those who like to stay put or be on a big plot but to our way of touring it's what motorhomes were designed to do.

If similar facilities were to exist in the UK we would have spent less time touring abroad and certainly some German and Dutch people we met abroad would also have spent more time in the UK.

£25 a night is OK for the odd night but if you are touring for a month it adds up to a lot of cash for facilities one neither needs nor wants.

Surely it is not asking too much for non aire users to understand the different philosopy?


Exactly. I have all the facilities I need on board. I wouldn't tour in a motorhome and stay in B&B's, similarly I'd prefer no toilet blocks or EHU on sites I visit :-S :-S

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It is never going to happen in the UK because we have the scourge of the traveller dross abusing every location they ever visit with impunity and all the while we have authorities treating them as victims and failing to treat them as criminals and hold them financially accountable for their actions nothing will ever change.

So we will continue to flock abroad for our travels and foreign vans will continue to avoid the UK.

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