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French towns "Les Plus Beaux Detours de France" Guide

Guest Phil

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For any going to France this summer, wanting something a bit different, suggest you visit one of the small towns with the logo for this guide. (Try the website www.lesplusbeuxdetours.com for details) The guide is free from participating towns Tourist Offices(about 90) like Domfront(Normandy), Montreuil-Bellay(Loire),Dinan(Brittany) etc. Visit 5, get the office stamps and you can apply for frr T-shirt!! My wife got one last year. BUt there are some interesting towns to visit less welknown (eg Brantome(DORD>) a little gem.
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Thanks Phil I hadn't heard of this scheme, but as we motorcaravanners are renowned for our wandering spirit, I'm sure there will be a run on the T shirts now!!
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Guest Phil
Sorry but there is a mistake on website address: www.plusbeauxdetours.com (OMIT "les"). Open website and click on the Union Jack and you will have access through "cities" to an info page on each "town" grouped in geographical areas. Bonne chance et bionne route mes amis!!
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Nothing really to do with Phil's original posting, but (I think it was last year) there was a somewhat similar scheme involving visiting tourist attractions in the Cherbourg area and getting discounts on entry tickets. There were some novel 'prizes' if you gained enough stamps on your voucher-booklet. These included your own weight in biscuits if you got all 10 stamps. (I distinctly remember that one and my wife's frosty response to my unwise joke on the subject!)
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