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Adria 640 slx


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Don’t know if I posted twice. Anyone with above vehicle give me appraisal please? Not sure how I manage without oven, and bathroom doors seem to have stops on them. Realise a pvc is more cramped, but our age means we must downsize? All help appreciated!




PS. What is payload?

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I have a 2014 x250 Adria640 slx. How do I manage with out an oven Easy, I have had used 4 van with ovens all of which looked as if never had been used when I purchased them and never used by me so I think no oven best. Any cooking I do is on the hob or cadac.


The bathroom doors have a strap to hold them while driving if that's what you mean, as Colin has said before about his campscout the doors are good if one person wishes to go to bed and the other stay up and if you wish to changed without closing all the blinds.


Hope that helps


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