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Electric Bike


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Well yes German and Dutch bikes certainly have many good aspects. They are also very expensive and often heavy.


After looking around we opted for hub driven full size bikes by Free Go. Cost was around £1000 each and weigh about 21kg (minus batteries). They came with LED lights, muduards, a stand, front disc brakes etc. Some severn years on we're still delighted with them. The batteries seem to need charging more frequently, but they have had a hard life. Replacement costs are, apparently, around £400 but ours will last a while yet.


We've just changed from a "van" with a garage where the bikes just fit. Part of the reason for changing was the hard work in lifting the bikes onto the bike rack, a major effort when you're 70++

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We bought two Whoosh Zephyr B bikes 3 years ago and regularly use them, we've had no trouble at all and still get over thirty miles on battery with a bit of pedaling.


At the time they cost us under a grand so I would recommend, at least, they're worth a look at.

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Another vote for Woosh bikes. I would suggest the original poster looks at the Pedelec forum, lots of good informed stuff on their. No need to spend much over a £1000 on a bike just for use with the van, i fact not much point at all unless you are going to serious off road. The idea that Chinese built bikes is not such good plan is a pretty old fashioned view, bit like the one that German vans are the best. My hub drive woosh will climb pretty much anything i ask it to and i an not fit. I have used it in the alps and the Pyrenees. You can still buy bikes with a throttle in the UK, which personally i find useful. Someone mentioned the cheap bikes come with poor batteries, again no longer true, some might but ones like Woosh certainly do not.
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I've a dutch CUBE cross hybrid with mtb wheels & Bosch crank drive motor & front suspension.

Had it for just over 2 years & extremely pleased with it's performance & range, accepting that mtb tyres are not the best for road use. Off-road riding style did take a short while to adapt too, but now no difficulties over very rough &/or steep terrain.

IMHO if I had to replace it, my first choice woumld to to go for their current model of the same ebike.


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