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Immune to Punctures

Keith T

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Moving a little to one side of the original topic and on the question of insurance, we are with Caravan Guard who have a policy condition that there must be a useable spare wheel in the motorhome at all times.


Our van (a 2008 Autotrail Tracker) was not supplied with a spare wheel but came with a compressor/sealant kit. I queried this with CG who replied that the policy wording had since been changed, and I quote " that the requirement to carry a serviceable spare is now only applicable if your motorhome was designed to carry one".


I could see this as ambiguous because our van has a rear locker area which we chose to use for carrying aluminium chairs. If we had been required to carry a spare , given that there was nowhere else suitable to store the chairs we would not have bought the van. In addition, the reduction in the payload would have been another reason not to purchase. The important point is that the van was not supplied with a spare wheel, but with a compressor/sealant kit - ie arguably it was not designed to carry a spare!


I explained all this to CG who replied to confirm that having regard to my explanation, "because the motorhome has not been designed to carry a spare tyre our policy does not require you to carry one"


This reassurance is fairly unequivocal but for those insured with other companies it would probably be worth checking the terms and conditions of your policy.

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We are with Caravan Guard as well and when I checked the policy it said we had to have a spare wheel, we are just in the process of renewing so will be intrested to see what the new policy says.


About the europe side of things, I did read in a thread that you needed a spare in Switzerland and Spain but cannot find the original thread as it came up partway through a discussion about something else and try as I might I carn't find it but a new thread was started because of this so see link below.




I tried to google it as well but didn't get much definate info, but I will be getting a spare before we go abroad this summer if only because if anything happens you are easily able to sort things out, a couple of years ago we had the wing mirrow riped of the van and trying to get a spare one the day before the whole of France went on holiday for a fortnight was very stressfull :-S



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Just for the record when we were tuggers we had two new heavy duty Dulop tyres fitted that had been specially ordered for us by the tyre fitters and had a blow out in one on the first time out. A later examinatiion revield that the manufacture date was older than the tyres we had taken off due to their age.


The fitters SET tyres got a refund from Dulop and to their credit fitted a pair a pairof more expensive Avons with no extra charge to us.


Now I always check the date on the tyres on new vehicles and replacement tyres.

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Fionablueinky - 2010-02-07 6:33 PM




but I will be getting a spare before we go abroad this summer if only because if anything happens you are easily able to sort things out,




Not too sure everyone would agree with this being an easy thing to sort out. If you are young and fit maybe, but as you get older it gets harder, and then can become an impossible task to contemplate. Being in the "older" catagory and with a bad back it is out of the question. In that case I think going down the route of someone else to do it makes more sense, even if you have to put the kettle on and wait for help to come. Also you are safer inside than changing a wheel. Horses for courses no doubtB-)*-)

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Hi porky


I have changed the wheel on a sprinter before so hopefully we'd be able to do it ok but what I really meant was having the spare available so even if we did have to call out the recovery people to change the tyre we would actually have one with us to use. :-D tying to get hold of a wheel if the French where on holiday would be a nightmare.


At least if we keep it under the bed it will be easy to get to and clean instead of having to get under the van.




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