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Guest bil h

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Just received this minute from Australia. If the administator here allows this to be posted he can email me for the details first


bil h

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colin - 2007-01-31 7:13 PM


messerschmitt owner - 2007-01-30 10:53 PM


and if you used an apple mac you wouldn't get viruses and trojan horses!

But if we all had mac's then they would be developed, if I recall corectly the first virus was on mac's


true to the first statement - and I am sure mac viruses are coming - but the hackers go for the easy 90% rather than the hard 10%. Until then, I recommend buying a mac over a pc - (and you can run Linux, Unix, XP and Vista on a Mac (all simultaneously) - but try running OSX on a PC)


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After five years of waiting, the poor PC community (of which I used to be one) has finally got Vista.


Ludicrous price, and thats just for starters! Go ahead and be mugged ......


To see why you should buy a mac (superb hardware...fantastic fully integrated software - and no viruses) have a look at this vista/osx article....and then browse the Apple website and see what you are missing.....


macmad (says it all I suppose)

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