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Registration in Spain


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Can anybody help?

I purchased new a Globecar Travel Scout in Germany in Sept 2006 and drove it backto Spain where I live,the vehicle was on temporary German plates.

Since then I have been trying to get it registered but still no luck.The local Gestor handleing the matter says its with the an engineer in Madrid who is seeking the corret approval from the Ministry.I cant even get a date when it willbe registered has anybody had thia problem.

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Had a look on one of the Spanish forums. There's quite a lot on there about 'rematriculación' etc.


It seems you need to have a 'certificado de conformidad' from the German manufacturer.


It appears from what I've read that it is going to cost you 12% to do it!!


Here's the forum link, http://acpasion.net/foro/index.php


Do a search (buscar) for 'alemania matriculación'



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If, as you say, it was new, then it should have come with an ECWVTA Certificate (EC Whole Vehicle Type Approval) and that should have been given to you by the German dealer. As far as I am aware, all German converters now supply it.


I have no idea why there is a problem in Spain, but I assume that the exemption that applies in the UK whereby imported motorhomes (and ambulances) do not need to pass the SVA (Single Vehicle Approval) Test does not apply in Spain. This is why it is so easy to import a US RV into the UK, but a US car is expensive to import because of the need for SVA.


You obviously need to sort this out fast, as the 6 months importation on temporary German plates will soon come to an end. One solution would be to register it in the UK if you still have an address here - that weould at least give you time to sort out the Spanish end.

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As Mel says, what you appear to be looking for is the EC Certificate of Conformity (CoC): called in German, I think, the EG-Ubereinstimmungsbescheingung (Anhang 1X) COC-Papier.  At least that is the title of this certificate for our Burstner, bought in France.  It is a pink A4 document with fields numbered from 0.1 to 0.6 in section 1 (Seite 1), and from 1 to 51 in section 2 (Seite 2).

These numbered fields contain all the information legally necessary for registration. 

This information required is now supposed to be common across all European states, so that all European vehicle registration documents (Log books) contain the same information, in the same numbered fields.  

The information in the fields as numbered on the CoC, should correspond with the numbered information fields on the registration document and so, presumably, with the fields to be completed the application form.  At least that is how it now works in UK.

If you have not provided this document you will be likely to have problems with registration, since the vehicle will presumably be treated as non-conforming.

It is possible the registrar doesn’t speak German, so doesn’t recognise what he has.  You may need to explain this.

It should be the case that you can complete the application yourself (albeit in Spanish and assuming this is permitted in Spain), by just taking the information from field x on the CoC and transferring it to field x on the application form, and so on.

Good luck.

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Hi Everybody

And thank you for the help I have now approached a specialist company in San Pedro who apart from other costs want 1700euros for an SVA so I got in touch with Dethleffs who have e mailed me the EU approval looks good yes

No I have presented the papers to the agent who says they dont mean a thing in Spain despite having a Type approval for Spain they say the only way is to have an SVA an engineer from Barcelona who specalises in Homologacion says the same feel like I am beating my head against a brick wall so am getting close to paying the 1700e and having a well earned nervous breakdown.


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By SVA, do you mean a single vehicle approval?  If so, under EC legislation, you do not need one - because your vehicle has full EC type approval.  I do not know who/what a gestor is, nor do I really understand why one is involved or would be needed.

Do you know/understand the procedure for registering a new vehicle in spain?  It should be the case that your vehicle, being a personal import, will follow the procedure agreed, so far as I am aware, by all the member states of the EC. 

You have to pay the registration fee, or its local equivalent, you have to pay the equivalent of road tax, you have to show/prove that you have paid VAT in Spain, reclaiming what (if any) was paid in Germany, and you have to complete the application for registration.  To complete the application for registration you need the EC type approval document, which you now have. 

How good is your Spanish?  Can you get to a local vehicle registration office and get them to explain the Spanish procedure for registering a new, personally imported, EC manufactured and Type Approved vehicle.  If so, I suggest that is what you do, a.s.a.p.  Alternatively, ask a local car dealership what they do to register new cars.  In fact, for a fee, you may be able to persuade one to register yours.  I assume it is a Fiat base - try a Fiat car or van dealer and see what they say.

In the meantime, I assume your van is uninsured and off the road?

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I do not know who/what a gestor is, nor do I really understand why one is involved or would be needed




The biggest downside to living in Spain is the bureaucracy involved with doing the simplest task with the authorities.


'Un monton de papeles'. as they say here!!


So in Spain there are 'gestors', who are basically agents between the people and the authorites. They do all the paperwork, queueing etc. that is needed to complete what can be a very time consuming transaction.





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Hi Brian

Yes I agree with all you say and understand what you are saying.

I don't spaeak Spanish so have to rely on others such as a gestor and or specialist agents

.You have to live here and try to get something done to understand how difficult it can be.I think they make it up as they go along because you never get the same answer twice.I have been 3 times to the ITV station with all the paperwork and an interpretor best he could get out of them is you must see someone in Madrid or Barcalona later found out they refered to an Homologacion engineer and in fact an engineer from Barcelona has now viewed the vehicle (Citeron Jumper)and he confirms it must have SVA.at 1700euros but you are never sure if your being taken for a ride.

The Germans (and we know there always right) say the Spanish must accept the EU type approval.

I think we call this stalemate or catch22.

I have now gone back to the gestor with the EU certificate and asked him to look into it before I go ahead with the SVA.

Its now been 5 months and I have not used the vehicle its off raod and not insured.



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I did know that you can't register a right hand drive commercial in Spain its why I took the trouble to establish there would be no problem in registering a LH drive motorhome from Germany in Spain look where that got me.As I said before there are always several answers to a question.


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