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Guest starspirit

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Hello again. For a couple watching TV the computer screen it's the same as using a small LCD TV to look at in that you wouldn't want to be to far away or 2 far apart! Hey I'm thinking of when hubby + me had to cuddle up really close to watch our 2" casio TV together...mmmm big screen TVs are not such fun.
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Scrub that last post - just looked at FAQ for TV and supplort guy says it has 3 phono plugs. What I cannot find is what the adapter lead supplied has at the non TV end - could be scart, phono or something else but suspect phono plugs. If your sat rec has phono connections then no problem, if it only has scart then as mentioned above a scart to phono adapter is required.

I'll shut up now as I think I might be confusing the issue. Blind leading the blind and all that.



edited - typos galore - it is well gone midnight!

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Thanks for info. Going to Storage' weekend, so will dig out Sat box & see what outlets it has.

I was looking at LCD tv's in tesco too. Asked if they go on 12v.

Home Electrics' Customer Services and general Customer Services desks didnt have a clue and ... couldnt find anyone who had a clue either :D

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