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Weather in the Pyrenees


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On Wednesday, yesterday, heading south to Spain, and intending to use the Somport tunnel, both sat navs took us via the D934 / A136 which was a nightmare with snow and sheet ice!! We were in our 4wd car, and still managed a minor dink when sliding into the mountain. There was no notification of bad weather, and we don't know if the tunnel was open or noit. Maybe closed as the nav's took us the other way. So if you are planning a crossing of the mountains, check the weather first!!!
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It’s a surprise to me that anyone (unless it’s been extremely mild) I can’t understand why folk would attempt to use the Somport tunnel in January. There is a web site to check if it’s open, but you have to deal with the miles of road on either side. Much better IMO to use the “western route” in winter if driving into Spain.
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