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Swivel seats


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Will86 - 2019-02-16 12:18 PM

Certainly ... but it was Monique who muddied the waters with her many different titles,

But surely easy to understand without the need for criticism


Will86 - 2019-02-16 12:18 PM

The name fits America because most things are RV size


Does size really matter in RV's

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The ‘fault’ is Monique’s for using “RV” and (apparently) not understanding that UK motorcaravanners normally apply this specifically to motorhomes built in the USA.


Motorhome-type terminology is lax in the UK motorcaravanning community and what Monique seems to be saying is that it is not appreciated by some forum members that there are basic differences between a ‘coachbuilt’ motorhome and a tin-box ‘camper’.


This doesn’t work too well either, terminology-wise, but it’s undoubtedly the case that the narrower a motorhome’s cab is (‘coachbuilt’ or ‘camper’) the more likely it wil be that swivelling the cab-seats will present challenges.


This is so blindingly self-evident, that it’s irrational to argue over it. It would be like choosing to argue over whether two Great Dane dogs in a motorhome would take up more or less space than two Yorkshire Terriers.

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