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Victron IP65 Blue smart help


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Hello all, i have just bought the victron blue smart IP65 15amp bluetooth charger and was needing a bit of help.


1. When i have charged one battery up, and then i remove the croc clips to put on my next battery for charging, the charger wont recognise what i have done and goes straight to bluk or absorption on the next batt? It will only start from the first test cycle if i unplug it for say 10 seconds, IS THIS NORMAL? I ask this because the ctek i have will start a fresh charge cycle every time i remove the croc clips.


2. If i also try to start a new cycle via the phone, the same as above, and there is no mode button on my iphone app, like there is in the victron web video ?


Please help if you can, thanks m

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It is always safe practice to turn off the charger at the mains before removing the crocodile clips on the battery to reduce the risk of battery explosion, etc.

See ours battery safety web page : http://www.aandncaravanservices.co.uk/battery-safety.php


Most charger manufacturers will expect such a practise to be made as a matter of course, hence it working the way it does.



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