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Rear shock absorbers

Roger baldwin

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Hi every one I’m the kid on the block ,just like to say hi to every one...I own a swift royale on a 1997fiat Ducato 14 chassis it has a 2.5tdi engine ,I was wondering if any body knows the correct rear shocks for it ,the ones on it are blue in colour but are so rusty I can’t see any make or model numbers on them the top tube is about 3 inches accros and about seven inches long and the bottom tube is about two and three quarters across and about the same length as the top half ,but at the end of the tube before the bottom there’s a short piece about an inch long a nd the bolt holes are about 5/8 or so thick can anyone help please
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Hi Roger,


Welcome to the Forum. I cannot help with specific part numbers, but have you tried local car accessory shops, or a search on Ebay. A quick check on Ebay reveals several offers from about £52 upwards.


Hopes that this helps.



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I would be useful if you could confirm the ‘model number’ of your Swift Royale. Most were built on a standard Fiat Ducato chassis with leaf-spring rear suspension, but evidently there were Royales in the late 1990s (eg. the Royale 630) that had an AL-KO chassis with independent rear suspension and torsion-bar rear springing.


When a Royale has a Ducato chassis I’d expect the rear dampers to be standard Fiat parts and a Fiat main agent should be able to identify the correct damper if provided with the motorhome’s Fiat VIN-number.


If, however, the Royale has an AL-KO chassis (and your dampers being blue suggests that this may be so) then the dampers will be AL-KO specific.


It’s necessary to be very careful when sourcing AL-KO dampers as there are blue ones (quite cheap) only suitable for caravans, and blue ones (much heavier-duty and much more expensive) intended for fitting to a motorhome's AL-KO chassis.


The following links should be helpful and I’ve attached a picture giving some dimensions








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Roger baldwin - 2019-04-25 7:56 PM


Yea it’s the standard chassis and there’s an aluminium extension at the end to support the flooring and yes it has got leaf springs it’s on a 14 chassis I believe


As your Royale does not have an AL-KO chassis, even though its present dampers are blue, the (expensive) blue-coloured AL-KO dampers should not be required. It’s possible that, at some time during the last 22 years, AL-KO dampers were erroneously installed on the vehicle, but you should not need them and, if fitted, they could well not function correctly. But it’s as likely that there’s no ‘technical’ significance to the present dampers being blue and it’s just the colour that the dampers’ manufacturer chose to paint them.


JonMac46 provided above a link to the Mister Auto website (the UK version is below)




If you provide a Fiat agent with your motorhome’s VIN-number, the agent should be able to tell you the damper that would be appropriate and (hopefully) its Fiat part number (OEM number). If the OEM number can be established, you should then be able to identify same-specification dampers made by, say, Monroe, Sachs or Bilstein. This example of a Bilstein damper




indicates that it matches the Fiat OEM number 1351062080


Once the Fiat OEM part number has been confirmed, potential suppliers can be found. For example




These 2014 and 2011 forum discussions may be of interest





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